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U2 -October Tour -23/10/1981 -Bruxelles -Belgique -Ancienne Belgique

U2 -october tour -23/10/1981 -bruxelles -belgique -ancienne belgique

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloria another time, another place i threw a brick through a window an cat dubh into the heart rejoice the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight another time, another place est interrompu quand une bagarre éclate dans la foule, provoquant une réprimande f
U2 -October Tour -23/10/1981 -Bruxelles -Belgique -Ancienne Belgique

U2 -october tour -23/10/1981 -bruxelles -belgique -ancienne belgique

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloria another time, another place i threw a brick through a window an cat dubh into the heart rejoice the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight another time, another place est interrompu quand une bagarre éclate dans la foule, provoquant une réprimande f
U2 -October Tour -21/10/1981 -Hempstead -Angleterre -Pavilion

U2 -october tour -21/10/1981 -hempstead -angleterre -pavilion

Setlist gloria another time, another place i threw a brick through a window an cat dubh into the heart rejoice the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean another time, another place est interrompu quand une bagarre éclate dans la foule, provoquant une r
U2 -October Tour -20/10/1981 -Leeds -Angleterre -Tiffany's

U2 -october tour -20/10/1981 -leeds -angleterre -tiffany's

Another time, another place est interrompu quand une bagarre éclate dans la foule, provoquant une réprimande fâchée de bono. setlist gloria another time, another place i threw a brick through a window an cat dubh into the heart rejoice the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11
U2 -October Tour -18/10/1981 -Bristol -Angleterre -Locarno

U2 -october tour -18/10/1981 -bristol -angleterre -locarno

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'
U2 -October Tour -17/10/1981 -Bracknell -Angleterre -Sports Centre

U2 -october tour -17/10/1981 -bracknell -angleterre -sports centre

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hearti ... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloriaanother time, ano
U2 -October Tour -16/10/1981 -Stoke  Angleterre -King's Hall

U2 -october tour -16/10/1981 -stoke angleterre -king's hall

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hearti threw a brick through a windowthe cry / the setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hea
U2 -October Tour -14/10/1981 -Cardiff -Angleterre -Top Rank

U2 -october tour -14/10/1981 -cardiff -angleterre -top rank

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hearti threw a brick through a windowthe cry / the electric co.i fall downoctoberstories ... setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hearti threw a brick through a windowthe
U2 -October Tour -10/10/1981 -Liverpool  -Angleterre -Royal Court Theater

U2 -october tour -10/10/1981 -liverpool -angleterre -royal court theater

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry / the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean fire setlist: gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick throug
U2 -October Tour -09/10/1981 -Newcastle -Angleterre -Mayfair

U2 -october tour -09/10/1981 -newcastle -angleterre -mayfair

Setlist: gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock / fire (snippet) setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick t
U2 -October Tour -08/10/1981 -Sheffield -Angleterre -Lyceum

U2 -october tour -08/10/1981 -sheffield -angleterre -lyceum

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry -> the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick throug
U2 -October Tour -07/10/1981 -Leicester -Angleterre -Polytechnic

U2 -october tour -07/10/1981 -leicester -angleterre -polytechnic

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry -> the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick throug
U2 -October Tour -06/10/1981 -Coventry -Angleterre -Warwick University

U2 -october tour -06/10/1981 -coventry -angleterre -warwick university

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry -> the electric co. i fall down october stories for boys i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick throug
U2 -October Tour -04/10/1981 -Glasgow -Ecosse -Tiffany's

U2 -october tour -04/10/1981 -glasgow -ecosse -tiffany's

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry -> the electric co. i fall down october with a shout i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist gloriaanother time, another placerejoicean cat dubhinto the hearti threw a brick through a windo
U2 -October Tour -03/10/1981 -Salford -Angleterre -University

U2 -october tour -03/10/1981 -salford -angleterre -university

Setlist gloria another time, another place rejoice an cat dubh into the heart i threw a brick through a window the cry -> the electric co. i fall down october with a shout i will follow twilight out of control fire 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean setlist gloriaanother time, another placethe cry -> the electric cat dubhinto the heartrejoicei th
U2 -October Tour -01/10/1981 -Norwich -Angleterre -University Of East Anglia

U2 -october tour -01/10/1981 -norwich -angleterre -university of east anglia

C'est la première fois que "i fall down" est joué sur le piano en direct. les performances précédentes provenaient d'une première version impliquant uniquement la guitare. setlist gloriaanother time, another placethe cry -> the electric cat dubhinto the heartrejoicei threw a brick through a windowi will followi fall downoctobertwilightou
U2 -October Tour -31/08/1981 -Edimbourg -Ecosse -Coasters

U2 -october tour -31/08/1981 -edimbourg -ecosse -coasters

Dernière représentation de things to make and do, le seul instrumental de u2 joué en direct (techniquement, the return of the guitar stingray, qui a ouvert au 11-2010, est aussi un instrument, mais lors de chaque performance bono a chanté ou crié des exhortations à la foule, la plupart des performances de things to make and do étaient entiè
U2 -October Tour -29/08/1981 -Gateshead -Angleterre -Gateshead Festival

U2 -october tour -29/08/1981 -gateshead -angleterre -gateshead festival

U2 se produit au festival rock on the tyne, qui présente également the polecats, pauline murray and the invisible girls, doll by doll, huang chung, elvis costello and the atrractions et ian dury and the blockheads. setlist with a shout 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electri
U2 -October Tour -24/08/1981 -Odel  Angleterre -Greenbelt Arts And Music Festival

U2 -october tour -24/08/1981 -odel angleterre -greenbelt arts and music festival

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart with a shout fire enregistré pour la bbc 'in concert' setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart with a shout twilight out of control rejoice uploaded by roberto lorenzo df on 2013-03-24 ... uploaded by roberto lorenzo df on 2013-03-24. setlist with a
U2 -October Tour -23/08/1981 -Londres  Angleterre -Paris Cinema Studio

U2 -october tour -23/08/1981 -londres angleterre -paris cinema studio

Enregistré pour la bbc 'in concert' setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart with a shout twilight out of control rejoice uploaded by roberto lorenzo df on 2013-03-24. setlist with a shout twilight i will follow i threw a brick through a window an cat dubh into the heart gloria rejoice october stories for boys boy-girl
U2 -Boy Tour 1980/1981 en vidéos concerts

U2 -boy tour 1980/1981 en vidéos concerts

Le boy tour était une tournée de concerts qui a eu lieu en 1980 et 1981 pour soutenir le premier album studio du groupe boy sorti en octobre 1980. la setlist variait chaque soir tout au long de la tournée, toutes les chansons de boy étant interprétées à l'exception de shadows and tall trees . la plupart des concerts ont commencé avec the o
U2 -Boy Tour -09/06/1981 -Londres -Angleterre -Hammersmith Palais

U2 -boy tour -09/06/1981 -londres -angleterre -hammersmith palais

U2 perform the fail that is carry me home for the first and only time at the hammersmith in london on the 9th of june 1981 setlist carry me home twilight i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart fire another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control 11 o'clock tick toc
U2 -Boy Tour -08/06/1981 -Geleen  -Pays-Bas- Sportpark

U2 -boy tour -08/06/1981 -geleen -pays-bas- sportpark

'pinkpop festival' -autres groupes participants :new adventures, fischer z, madness, michael schenker group, the pretenders, ian dury e the blockheads. performance of u2 with i will follow and the cry at pinkpop 1981 on 8 june 1981 setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry ->
U2 -Boy Tour -06/06/1981 -Aylesbury -USA -Friars Club

U2 -boy tour -06/06/1981 -aylesbury -usa -friars club

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh / into the heart another time, another place the cry / the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of ... c'est un spectacle mouvementé. au cours de la première "i will follow "un membre de la foule jettera une boîte
U2 -Boy Tour -31/05/1981 -Asbury Park -USA -Fast Lane

U2 -boy tour -31/05/1981 -asbury park -usa -fast lane

Setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh / into the heart another time, another place the cry / the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow the ocean c'est un spectacle mouvementé. au cours de la première "i will follow "un membre de la foule jettera u
U2 -Boy Tour -29/05/1981 -New-York -USA -Palladium

U2 -boy tour -29/05/1981 -new-york -usa -palladium

C'est un spectacle mouvementé. au cours de la première "i will follow "un membre de la foule jettera une boîte de souris sur scène, au grand dam de bono. certaines souris meurent d'une crise cardiaque suite à un choc. busta jones (un bassiste qui a travaillé avec talking heads) est amené sur scène pour une apparition et il jouera un long so
U2 -Boy Tour -28/05/1981 -Boston -USA - The Metro

U2 -boy tour -28/05/1981 -boston -usa - the metro

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock touch i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart fire another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control twilight i will follow a day without me u2 joue pour une foule très enthousiaste et décide de faire les débuts de fire en dir
U2 -Boy Tour -27/05/1981 -New Haven -USA -Toad's Place

U2 -boy tour -27/05/1981 -new haven -usa -toad's place

U2 joue pour une foule très enthousiaste et décide de faire les débuts de fire en direct. il avait été enregistré le mois précédent au compass rose studios à nassau, aux bahamas, pendant une brève pause du calendrier des concerts du groupe. may 27, 1981 @toad's place, new haven, connecticut photos by claude bell setlist the ocean 11 o'clo
U2 -Boy Tour -25/05/1981 -Providence -USA -Center Stage

U2 -boy tour -25/05/1981 -providence -usa -center stage

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible à ce jour, c'est le seul concert de u2 dans le new hampshire. setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an ca
U2 -Boy Tour -24/05/1981 -Hampton Beach -USA -The Casino

U2 -boy tour -24/05/1981 -hampton beach -usa -the casino

À ce jour, c'est le seul concert de u2 dans le new hampshire. setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh / into the heart another time, another place the cry / the electric co. things ... setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will
U2 -Boy Tour -23/05/1981 -Albany -USA -J.B. Scott's

U2 -boy tour -23/05/1981 -albany -usa -j.b. scott's

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh / into the heart another time, another place the cry / the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas dis
U2 -Boy Tour -22/05/1981 -Syracuse -SA -City Limits

U2 -boy tour -22/05/1981 -syracuse -sa -city limits

Setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh / into the heart another time, another place the cry / the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control twilight i will follow a day without me setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlis
U2 -Boy Tour -21/05/1981 -Buffalo -USA -Uncle Sam's

U2 -boy tour -21/05/1981 -buffalo -usa -uncle sam's

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for everybody..enjoy!!! for ... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for
U2 -Boy Tour -20/05/1981 -Rochester -USA -Red Creek

U2 -boy tour -20/05/1981 -rochester -usa -red creek

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for everybody..enjoy!!! for contact me also if you are cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for everybody..enjoy!!! for tradin
U2 -Boy Tour -19/05/1981 -Toronto -Canada - Ryerson Theater

U2 -boy tour -19/05/1981 -toronto -canada - ryerson theater

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for everybody..enjoy!!! for contact me also if you are able to make nice clips with ... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh i
U2 -Boy Tour -15/05/1981 -San Francisco  USA - California Hall

U2 -boy tour -15/05/1981 -san francisco usa - california hall

Cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir. great quality video and audio,a must have for everybody..enjoy!!! for contact me also if you are able to make nice clips with u2songs,mixing images and extract of videos setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart touch another time, anothe
U2 -Boy Tour -13/05/1981 -Santa Monica -USA -Santa Monica Civic Auditorium

U2 -boy tour -13/05/1981 -santa monica -usa -santa monica civic auditorium

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart touch another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys ... setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the c
U2 -Boy Tour -11/05/1981 -Denver -USA -Rainbow Music Hall

U2 -boy tour -11/05/1981 -denver -usa -rainbow music hall

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart touch another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric c
U2 -Boy Tour -09/05/1981 -Memphis -USA -Poets

U2 -boy tour -09/05/1981 -memphis -usa -poets

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control a day without me 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean i will follow setlist the ocean11 o'clock tick tocki will followi fall downan cat dubhinto the heartano
U2 -Boy Tour -08/05/1981 -New Orleans  USA - Ol' Man River's

U2 -boy tour -08/05/1981 -new orleans usa - ol' man river's

Setlist the ocean11 o'clock tick tocki will followi fall downan cat dubhinto the heartanother time, another placethe cry -> the electric co.things to make and dostories for boysboy-girlout of control 11 o'clock tick tocki will follow setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick t
U2 -Boy Tour -06/05/1981 -Atlanta -USA -The Agora

U2 -boy tour -06/05/1981 -atlanta -usa -the agora

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry the electric co. stories for setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, anoth
U2 -Boy Tour -04/05/1981 -Hallendale -USA -The Agora

U2 -boy tour -04/05/1981 -hallendale -usa -the agora

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry the electric co. stories for boys boy-girl out of control i will ... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat
U2 -Boy Tour -03/05/1981 -Tampa -USA -End Zone

U2 -boy tour -03/05/1981 -tampa -usa -end zone

Setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry the electric co. stories for boys boy-girl out of control i will follow setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, ano
U2 -Boy Tour - 03/05/1981 -USA -End Zone

U2 -boy tour - 03/05/1981 -usa -end zone

Setlist: the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry the electric co. stories for boys boy-girl out of control i will follow setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. s
U2 -Boy Tour -02/05/1981 -Gainsville -USA -Rathskeller Hall

U2 -boy tour -02/05/1981 -gainsville -usa -rathskeller hall

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. stories for boys boy-girl out of control i will ... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock t
U2 -Boy Tour -21/04/1981 -Pittsburgh -USA- The Decade

U2 -boy tour -21/04/1981 -pittsburgh -usa- the decade

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow i fall down an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. stories for boys boy-girl out of control i will follow setlist: the ocean11 o'clock tick tocki will followi fall downan cat dubhinto the heartanother time, another placethe cry -> the electric co.storie
U2 -Boy Tour -20/04/1981 -Cleveland -USA -The Agora

U2 -boy tour -20/04/1981 -cleveland -usa -the agora

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. i fall down things to setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the
U2 -Boy Tour -19/04/1981 -Columbus -USA -The Agora

U2 -boy tour -19/04/1981 -columbus -usa -the agora

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. i fall down things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl ... i fall down fait ses débuts à ce concert; plus rien de l'ensemble principal n'est connu. i will follow est c
U2 -Boy Tour -18/04/1981 -Detroit -USA -Harpo's

U2 -boy tour -18/04/1981 -detroit -usa -harpo's

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. i fall down things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control twilight i will follow 11 o'clock tick tock the ocean a day without me i fall down fait ses débuts à ce concert; plus rien de l'ensemble
U2 -Boy Tour -17/04/1981 -Cincinnati -USA -Bogart's

U2 -boy tour -17/04/1981 -cincinnati -usa -bogart's

I fall down fait ses débuts à ce concert; plus rien de l'ensemble principal n'est connu. i will follow est connu pour avoir clôturé le concert, mais toutes les autres chansons jouées dans le rappel ne sont pas connues. setlist: i fall down ... i will follow setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist
U2 -Boy Tour -15/04/1981 -Milwaukee -USA -Palm's

U2 -boy tour -15/04/1981 -milwaukee -usa -palm's

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock touch an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock touch an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> t
U2 -Boy Tour -14/04/1981 -Madison -USA -Merling's

U2 -boy tour -14/04/1981 -madison -usa -merling's

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock touch an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control ... le premier spectacle de u2 à chicago. le billet coûtait seulement 1 $ et inclus de la bière gratuite; il en rés
U2 -Boy Tour -12/04/1981 -Chicago -USA -Park West

U2 -boy tour -12/04/1981 -chicago -usa -park west

Setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock touch an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the cry -> the electric co. things to make and do stories for boys boy-girl out of control twilight i will follow 11 o'clock tick tock a day without me le premier spectacle de u2 à chicago. le billet coûtait seulement 1 $ et inclus de la bière gra
U2 -Boy Tour-11/04/1981 -Chicago -USA-International House

U2 -boy tour-11/04/1981 -chicago -usa-international house

Le premier spectacle de u2 à chicago. le billet coûtait seulement 1 $ et inclus de la bière gratuite; il en résulte une foule considérable d'étudiants. setlist gloriaanother time, another placei threw a brick through a windowan cat dubhinto the heartrejoicethe cry / the electric co.i fall downoctoberstories for boysi will followtwilightout of
U2 -Boy Tour -10/04/1981 -Ames -USA -Fillmore Auditorium

U2 -boy tour -10/04/1981 -ames -usa -fillmore auditorium

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible 01. the ocean 00:00 02. 11 o'clock tick tock 01:38 03. i will follow 06:38 04. an cat dubh / into the heart 10:23 05. another time, another place 18:09 06. cry / the electric co. 22:30 07. things to setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another place the
U2 -Boy Tour -09/04/1981 -Minneapolis -USA - Uncle Sam's

U2 -boy tour -09/04/1981 -minneapolis -usa - uncle sam's

01. the ocean 00:00 02. 11 o'clock tick tock 01:38 03. i will follow 06:38 04. an cat dubh / into the heart 10:23 05. another time, another place 18:09 06. cry / the electric co. 22:30 07. things to make and do 27:03 08. stories for boys 29:34 09. setlist the ocean 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow an cat dubh into the heart another time, another