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Communauté dédiée à tous les passionnés de musique en tout genre, n'hésitez pas à me rejoindre !! si vous aimez U2 raison de plus !! Merci ....

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U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -01/02/1985 -Mannheim -Allemagne -Musensaal

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -01/02/1985 -mannheim -allemagne -musensaal

"party girl "présente une improvisation prolongeant la fin. ce spectacle présente la seule performance de" southern man "de neil young sur la tournée de unforgettable fire tour et est une performance rude et énergique. il avait été joué en août dernier 1982 et ne réapparaît vivant qu'en mars 1987. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follo
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -31/01/1985 -Cologne -Allemagne -Sporthalle

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -31/01/1985 -cologne -allemagne -sporthalle

On pense que cette série a la plus longue présentation de "40" - presque 17 minutes. uploaded by renato grenzi on 2013-06-24. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party gi
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -29/01/1985 -Offenback -Allemagne -Stadhalle

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -29/01/1985 -offenback -allemagne -stadhalle

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody su
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -28/01/1985 -Hambourg -Allemagne -Congress Center

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -28/01/1985 -hambourg -allemagne -congress center

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody su
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -26/01/1985 -Godeborg -Suède -Scandinavium

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -26/01/1985 -godeborg -suède -scandinavium

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 ce concert apporte une performance épique de 40; elle a un peu moins de 15 minutes. setlist 11 o'c
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -25/01/1985 Stockholm  Suède -Ice Stadium

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -25/01/1985 stockholm suède -ice stadium

Ce concert apporte une performance épique de 40; elle a un peu moins de 15 minutes. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 setlist 11 o'c
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -23/01/1985 -Drammen  Norvège- Drammenshale

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -23/01/1985 -drammen norvège- drammenshale

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody su
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -16/12/1984 Long Beach  USA- Long Beach Arena

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -16/12/1984 long beach usa- long beach arena

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the elec
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -15/12/1984 -San Francisco -USA -Civic Auditorium

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -15/12/1984 -san francisco -usa -civic auditorium

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electri
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -11/12/1984 -Chicago -USA -Aragon Ballroom

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -11/12/1984 -chicago -usa -aragon ballroom

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist: 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry the elect
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -09/12/1984 -Cleveland -USA -Music Hall

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -09/12/1984 -cleveland -usa -music hall

Setlist: 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry the electric co. / amazing grace (snippet) a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -08/12/1984 Detroit  USA - Fox Theater

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -08/12/1984 detroit usa - fox theater

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 1984-12-07 toronto, canada audience recording setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fir
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour - 07/12/1984 Toronto Canada -Massey Hall

U2 -unforgettable fire tour - 07/12/1984 toronto canada -massey hall

1984-12-07 toronto, canada audience recording setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fir
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -05/12/1984 -Washington -USA -Constitution Hall

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -05/12/1984 -washington -usa -constitution hall

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 u2 @ radio city music hall, new york city, december 3, 1984 - this was the 3rd gig during the 1st u
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -03/12/1984 -New-York -USA -Radio City Music Hall

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -03/12/1984 -new-york -usa -radio city music hall

U2 @ radio city music hall, new york city, december 3, 1984 - this was the 3rd gig during the 1st us leg of the 1984-85 "unforgettable fire tour". this parti... setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -02/12/1984 -Worcester -USA -The Centrum

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -02/12/1984 -worcester -usa -the centrum

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 le groupe joue 10 dates dans les principales villes des états-unis. la demande de billets dépasse largement l'offre, ind
U2-Unforgettable Fire Tour-21/11/1984 Dortmund -Allemagne- Westfalenhalle

U2-unforgettable fire tour-21/11/1984 dortmund -allemagne- westfalenhalle

Le spetacle n'est pas complet "11 o’ clock, a sort of homecoming et the unforgettable fire " ont été omis de l'émission et n'ont jamais été montrés. bono remonte la pente de la piste cyclable à gauche de la scène et chante un peu de amazing grace. il devient irritable pendant pride quand le caméraman pousse son appareil photo presque dan
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -14/11/1984 Londres Angleterre - Wembley Arena

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -14/11/1984 londres angleterre - wembley arena

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming mlk the unforgettable fire wire bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 ce spectacle apporte la performance unique de i fall down dans la partie européenne de la tournée
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -10/11/1984 Manchester Angleterre- Apollo Theater #2

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -10/11/1984 manchester angleterre- apollo theater #2

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -09/11/1984 Manchester Angleterre- Apollo Theater #1

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -09/11/1984 manchester angleterre- apollo theater #1

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad indian summer sky october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 après quelques secondes, en raison de la chaleur, des tasses d'eau son
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -07/11/1984 Glasgow Ecosse Barrowlands #2

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -07/11/1984 glasgow ecosse barrowlands #2

Après quelques secondes, en raison de la chaleur, des tasses d'eau sont distribuées aux membres du public écrasés sur le devant. u2 unforgettable fire tour 1984 uploaded by fleavox on 2013-05-22. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -06/11/1984 Glasgow Ecosse-Barrowlands

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -06/11/1984 glasgow ecosse-barrowlands

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tocki will followwiremlkthe unforgettable firesurrendertwo hearts
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -05/11/1984 -Edimbourg Ecosse -Edinburgh Playhouse

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -05/11/1984 -edimbourg ecosse -edinburgh playhouse

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 setlist 11 o'clock tick tocki will followwiremlkthe unforgettable firesurrendertwo hearts
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -03/11/1984 Londres Angleterre- Brixton Academy

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -03/11/1984 londres angleterre- brixton academy

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad indian summer sky october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 l'atmosphère dans le lieu est hostile, et les tentatives de bono de se
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -02/11/1984 Londres  Angleterre -Brixton Academy #1

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -02/11/1984 londres angleterre -brixton academy #1

L'atmosphère dans le lieu est hostile, et les tentatives de bono de se connecter avec la foule ne réussissent pas. pendant le premier couplet de pride, bono arrête la chanson pour essayer de parler à la foule. il redémarre ensuite la chanson. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat a
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -31/10/1984 -Rotterdam Pays-Bas -Ahoy #2

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -31/10/1984 -rotterdam pays-bas -ahoy #2

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) party girl gloria 40 1984-10-30 rotterdam, netherlands audience recording setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -28/10/1984 -Bruxelles -Belgique -Vorst National #2

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -28/10/1984 -bruxelles -belgique -vorst national #2

Bono chante une réplique de stranger in a strange land de l'album october dans le cadre de the electric co. aucune autre performance ou extrait de cette chanson ne semble avoir été fait. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday t
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -27/10/1984 -Bruxelles ,Belgique -Vorst National

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -27/10/1984 -bruxelles ,belgique -vorst national

Le volume de ce concert est si fort qu'il secoue les maisons voisines et l'institut sismologique de bruxelles l'enregistre comme un tremblement de terre. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds a sort of homecoming sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad indian
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour  -23/10/1984 -Nantes, France -St. Herblain

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -23/10/1984 -nantes, france -st. herblain

U2 1984-10-23 st. herblain nantes, france soundboard - analogue cassete tracklist: 1. 11 o'clock tick tock (cuts in) 2. i will follow 3. wire 4. mlk 5. the unforgettable fire 6. surrender 7. two hearts beat as one 8. seconds 9. a sort of homecoming 10. sunday bloody sunday 11. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow wire mlk the unforgettable fi
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -22/10/1984 -Bordeaux ,France,Patinoire Meriadeck

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -22/10/1984 -bordeaux ,france,patinoire meriadeck

This not a video just the music from the 1984-10-22 gig :-) 1984-10-22 bordeaux, france audience recording setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad indian summer sky october new year's day pride (in the name of love) a sort of h
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -20/10/1984 -Toulouse -France -Palais Des Sports

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -20/10/1984 -toulouse -france -palais des sports

Wire est joué pour la deuxième fois, plus d’un mois après ses débuts le 17 septembre 1984 à melbourne. setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow the unforgettable fire wire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. october new year's day pride (in the name of love) a sort of homecoming gloria 4
U2- Unforgettable Fire Tour -18/10/1984 -Lyon ,France, Halle Tony Garnier

U2- unforgettable fire tour -18/10/1984 -lyon ,france, halle tony garnier

À la fin de indian summer sky, bono perd son calme avec quelqu'un dans la foule qui cause des ennuis. setlist mlk the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. bad indian summer sky october new year's day pride (in the name of love) 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow gloria 40
U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -11/09/1984 -Brisbane -Australie -Festival Hall

U2 -unforgettable fire tour -11/09/1984 -brisbane -australie -festival hall

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart the unforgettable fire surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new ... mega rare video for u2 fans live from sydney 1984 i threw a brick through a window and a day without me 08-09-8
U2 - Unforgettable Fire Tour -04/09/1984 -Sydney Australie -Entertainment Center

U2 - unforgettable fire tour -04/09/1984 -sydney australie -entertainment center

Premier spectacle de u2 en australie; la setlist est incomplète. gloria a ouvert la série mais edge et adam souffrent tous les deux de dysfonctionnements de l’instrument pendant la chanson; edge a d'autres problèmes pendant la reddition. pour pallier à ces problèmes, le groupe répète gloria dans le rappel pour, selon les termes de bono, "f
 U2 -Unforgettable Fire Tour -26/01/1985 Godeborg  Suède - Scandinavium

u2 -unforgettable fire tour -26/01/1985 godeborg suède - scandinavium

Setlist 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow seconds mlk the unforgettable fire wire sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. a sort of homecoming bad october new year's day pride (in the name of love) gloria party girl two hearts beat as one 40 ce concert apporte une performance épique de 40; elle a un peu moins de 15 minutes. setlist 11 o'c
U2 -War Tour -18/12/1983 -Londres -Angleterre -Victoria Apollo

U2 -war tour -18/12/1983 -londres -angleterre -victoria apollo

U2 joue à "the big one", une émission caritative pour la campagne pour le désarmement nucléaire. mike peters de the alarm rejoint u2 à knockin 'on heaven's door. setlist i will follow 11 o'clock tick tock seconds sunday bloody sunday knockin' on heaven's door new year's day 40 après avoir joué le même set lors de ses quatre premiers concert
U2 -War Tour -30/11/1983 -Nakano Sun Plaza - Tokyo -Japon #4

U2 -war tour -30/11/1983 -nakano sun plaza - tokyo -japon #4

Pour leur dernier spectacle japonais, u2 remue le décor. bien que out of control ait ouvert les cinq derniers spectacles, gloria ouvre celui-ci et i threw a brick et a day without me sont joués pour la seule fois au japon. une célébration, réapparue la nuit précédente, a été rejouée ce soir. bono a affirmé que, si l'on exclut la représe
U2 -War Tour -29/11/1983 -Tokyo Japon -Sun Plaza Hall #3

U2 -war tour -29/11/1983 -tokyo japon -sun plaza hall #3

Après avoir joué le même set lors de ses quatre premiers concerts japonais, u2 change la setlist pour son troisième concert à tokyo. bien qu'un seul remplacement soit fait, a celebration by party girl. setlist: gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me an cat dubh - into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday
U2 -War Tour -27/11/1983 -Tokyo Japon -Sun Plaza Hall #2

U2 -war tour -27/11/1983 -tokyo japon -sun plaza hall #2

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 uploaded by u2 and tribute bands on 2017-11-24. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surr
U2 -War Tour -26/11/1983 -Tokyo  Japon -Sun Plaza Hall #1

U2 -war tour -26/11/1983 -tokyo japon -sun plaza hall #1

Uploaded by u2 and tribute bands on 2017-11-24. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible première performance d
U2 -War Tour -23/11/1983 -Nagoya -Japon -Simin Bunk Center

U2 -war tour -23/11/1983 -nagoya -japon -simin bunk center

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible première performance de u2 au japon, jusqu'à aujourd'hui le seul pays asiatique dans lequel ils ont joué. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bl
U2 -War Tour -22/11/1983 -Osaka -Japon -Festival Hall

U2 -war tour -22/11/1983 -osaka -japon -festival hall

Première performance de u2 au japon, jusqu'à aujourd'hui le seul pays asiatique dans lequel ils ont joué. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 se
U2 -War Tour -16/11/1983 -Honolulu -USA -NBC Arena

U2 -war tour -16/11/1983 -honolulu -usa -nbc arena

C'est lors de la vérification sonore de ce spectacle que pride a commencé à se développer. setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. gloria new year's day i will follow 40 cliquez sur cliquez sur la j
U2 -War Tour -21/08/1983 -Oslo -Norvège-Kalvoya Festival

U2 -war tour -21/08/1983 -oslo -norvège-kalvoya festival

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. gloria new year's day i will follow 40 cliquez sur la jaquette pour agrandir. u2's fifth song at their performance in st. goarshausen, germany. tracklist: 1) out of control 2) twilight 3) an cat dubh 4)