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U2 -War Tour -20/08/1983 - St. Goarshausen Allemagne- Loreley Ampitheater

U2 -war tour -20/08/1983 - st. goarshausen allemagne- loreley ampitheater

Cliquez sur la jaquette pour agrandir. u2's fifth song at their performance in st. goarshausen, germany. tracklist: 1) out of control 2) twilight 3) an cat dubh 4) into the heart 5) surrender 6) two hearts beat as one 7) seconds 8) sunday bloody sunday 9) cry/ the electric co. the sixth song of their performance in st. goarshausen, germany. trackli
U2 -War Tour -14/08/1983 -Dublin -Irlande -Phoenix Park Racecourse

U2 -war tour -14/08/1983 -dublin -irlande -phoenix park racecourse

U2 joue "a day at the races" à l'hippodrome de phoenix park. steven wickham rejoint u2 pour sunday bloody sunday et the electric co. annie lennox d'eurythmics rejoint u2 pour "40 ". 01. out of control 0:00:00 02. twilight 0:04:14 03. an cat dubh / into the heart 0:08:53 04. surrender 0:16:06 05. two hearts beat as one 0:21:34 06. seconds... setlis
U2 -War Tour - 03/07/1983 -Werchter -Belgique -Festival Grounds

U2 -war tour - 03/07/1983 -werchter -belgique -festival grounds

Les attractions du festival incluent warren zevon, the eurythmics, simple minds, peter gabriel et van morrison. jim kerr de simple minds rejoint u2 sur scène pour 11 o'clock tick tock. après i will follow, happy birthday est chanté au batteur tom mullally. annie lennox et dave stewart d'eurythmics montent sur scène pendant la dernière partie d
U2 -War Tour - 02/07/1983 -Torhout -Belgique -Festival Grounds

U2 -war tour - 02/07/1983 -torhout -belgique -festival grounds

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart new year's day surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday gloria 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 ils jouent un concert à domicile au croke park de dublin, leur premier spectacle en tête d'affiche dans un stade. out of control réapparaît finalement après avoir r
U2 -War Tour -29/06/1983 -Dublin -Irlande - Croke Park

U2 -war tour -29/06/1983 -dublin -irlande - croke park

Ils jouent un concert à domicile au croke park de dublin, leur premier spectacle en tête d'affiche dans un stade. out of control réapparaît finalement après avoir raté la grande partie de la tournée; il a été joué pour la dernière fois le 24 septembre 1984. rare pro-shot footage of i will follow by u2 in dublin 1985. from the tv document
U2 -War Tour -28/06/1983 -Worcester -USA -The Centrum

U2 -war tour -28/06/1983 -worcester -usa -the centrum

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloo
U2 -War Tour -27/06/1983 -New Haven -USA -Coliseum

U2 -war tour -27/06/1983 -new haven -usa -coliseum

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloo
U2 -War Tour -25/06/1983 -Atlanta -USA - Civic Center

U2 -war tour -25/06/1983 -atlanta -usa - civic center

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible la setlist est incomplète. setlist: surrender new year's day ... 40 se
U2 -War Tour -24/06/1983 -Jacksonville -USA

U2 -war tour -24/06/1983 -jacksonville -usa

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible la setlist est incomplète. setlist: surrender new year's day ... 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday blo
U2 -War Tour -23/06/1983 -Miami -USA -Sunrise Music Theater

U2 -war tour -23/06/1983 -miami -usa -sunrise music theater

La setlist est incomplète. setlist: surrender new year's day ... 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party ... setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts b
U2 -War Tour -22/06/1983 -Tampa -USA - Curtis Hixon Convention Hall

U2 -war tour -22/06/1983 -tampa -usa - curtis hixon convention hall

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloo
U2 -War Tour -21/06/1983 -Orlando -USA -Jai Alai Fronton Hall

U2 -war tour -21/06/1983 -orlando -usa -jai alai fronton hall

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist: out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday blo
U2 -War Tour -17/06/1983 -Los Angeles -USA -Sports Arena

U2 -war tour -17/06/1983 -los angeles -usa -sports arena

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist: out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday blo
U2 -War Tour -14/06/1983 -Houston -USA

U2 -war tour -14/06/1983 -houston -usa

Setlist: out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40
U2 -War Tour -13/06/1983 -Dallas -USA -Bronco Bowl

U2 -war tour -13/06/1983 -dallas -usa -bronco bowl

Setlist * out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday
U2 -War Tour - 11/06/1983 -Austin -USA -The Meadows

U2 -war tour - 11/06/1983 -austin -usa -the meadows

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 set list out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday blo
U2 -War Tour - 09/06/1983 -Tulsa -USA -The Brady Theater

U2 -war tour - 09/06/1983 -tulsa -usa -the brady theater

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible a la suite de l'annulation du spectacle de la soirée précédente à wichita, ce spectacle est la seule fois où u2 a joué au kansas à ce jour. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into t... setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible ce spectacle a été ajouté au calendrier en tant que sauvegarde en
U2 -War Tour - 08/06/1983 -Kansas City -USA - Memorial Hall

U2 -war tour - 08/06/1983 -kansas city -usa - memorial hall

A la suite de l'annulation du spectacle de la soirée précédente à wichita, ce spectacle est la seule fois où u2 a joué au kansas à ce jour. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick thro
U2 -War Tour - 07/06/1983 -Wichita -USA

U2 -war tour - 07/06/1983 -wichita -usa

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible ce spectacle a été ajouté au calendrier en tant que sauvegarde en cas de spectacle et les images de red rocks ont été annulées ou gâchées par de fortes pluies. red rocks a marqué l'histoir... enregistré et sorti en tant que "u2 live at red rocks "under a blood red sky" u2 a joué malgré la pluie. f
U2 -War Tour - 06/06/1983 -Boulder -USA -Colorado State University

U2 -war tour - 06/06/1983 -boulder -usa -colorado state university

Ce spectacle a été ajouté au calendrier en tant que sauvegarde en cas de spectacle et les images de red rocks ont été annulées ou gâchées par de fortes pluies. red rocks a marqué l'histoire comme un énorme succès et ce spectacle a quand même été fait comme un cadeau pour les fans locaux de u2. l'entrée était gratuite. from mike pete
U2 -War Tour - 05/06/1983 -Morrisson -USA - Red Rocks Amphitheatre

U2 -war tour - 05/06/1983 -morrisson -usa - red rocks amphitheatre

Enregistré et sorti en tant que «u2 live at red rocks "under a blood red sky" u2 a joué malgré la pluie. from the dvd from the dvd setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick setlist out of
U2 - War Tour -03/06/1983 -Salt Lake City -USA -Salt Palace Exhibition Hall

U2 - war tour -03/06/1983 -salt lake city -usa -salt palace exhibition hall

La setlist est incomplète. setlist: gloria an cat dubh / into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one sunday bloody sunday october new year's day party girl 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i t
U2 - War Tour -30/05/1983 -Devore  USA- Glen Helen Regional Park

U2 - war tour -30/05/1983 -devore usa- glen helen regional park

'us festival' - comprend aussi :little steven & the disciples of soul, berlin, quarterflash, missing persons, the pretenders, joe walsh, stevie nicks, and david bowie. glen helen regional park u2 performing "sunday bloody sunday" live at the 1983 us festival. setlist: 1. gloria 2. i threw a brick 3. a day without me 4. an cat
U2 -War Tour -27/05/1983 -Portland -USA -Paramount Theater

U2 -war tour -27/05/1983 -portland -usa -paramount theater

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick setlist seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as o
U2 -War Tour -26/05/1983 -Seattle -USA -Paramount Theater

U2 -war tour -26/05/1983 -seattle -usa -paramount theater

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick through a window a day without me gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday
U2 -War Tour -25/05/1983 -Vancouver -Canada -Queen Elizabeth Theater

U2 -war tour -25/05/1983 -vancouver -canada -queen elizabeth theater

Setlist seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new ye
U2 -War Tour -22/05/1983 -Minneapolis -USA- Northrop Auditorium

U2 -war tour -22/05/1983 -minneapolis -usa- northrop auditorium

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick through a window a day without me gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist incomplète : i fall down october new year's day a da
U2 -War Tour -21/05/1983 -Chicago -USA - Aragon Ballroom

U2 -war tour -21/05/1983 -chicago -usa - aragon ballroom

Setlist incomplète : i fall down october new year's day a day without me i threw a brick through a window setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october i threw a brick through a ... some artists impress no matter what the recor
U2 -War Tour -20/05/1983 -Detroit -USA- Grand Circus Theater

U2 -war tour -20/05/1983 -detroit -usa- grand circus theater

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october i threw a brick through a window a day without me new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 some artists impress no matter what the recording quality is.
U2 -War Tour -19/05/1983 -Cleveland- USA- Music Hall

U2 -war tour -19/05/1983 -cleveland- usa- music hall

Some artists impress no matter what the recording quality is. u2 in 1983 is just such an artist. i found this single camera capture of this concert and it brought me back to the first time i heard them in june of 1982 opening for simon & garfunkel in dublin. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one
U2 -War Tour -17/05/1983 -Toronto -Canada -Massey Hall

U2 -war tour -17/05/1983 -toronto -canada -massey hall

Going through my old tapes, getting them into a digital format. i recorded's fairly good quality! out of control twilight an cat dubh into the hear... setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october i threw a brick throu
U2 -War Tour -16/05/1983 -Buffalo -USA - Shea Center

U2 -war tour -16/05/1983 -buffalo -usa - shea center

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day i threw a brick through a window a day without me gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40
U2 -War Tour -14/05/1983 -Philadelphie -USA -Tower Theater #2

U2 -war tour -14/05/1983 -philadelphie -usa -tower theater #2

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me new year's day party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart su
U2 -War Tour -13/05/1983 -Philadelphie -USA -Tower Theater #1

U2 -war tour -13/05/1983 -philadelphie -usa -tower theater #1

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one surrender seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down i threw a brick through a window a day without me october gloria new year's day party girl 11 o'clock tick tock 40 setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surren
U2 -War Tour -12/05/1983 -Passaic -USA -Capitol Theater

U2 -war tour -12/05/1983 -passaic -usa -capitol theater

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the wo
U2 -War Tour -11/05/1983 -New-York -USA -Palladium

U2 -war tour -11/05/1983 -new-york -usa -palladium

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on youtube. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria i threw a brick through a window
U2 -War Tour -10/05/1983 -New Haven -USA -Woolsey Hall - Yale University

U2 -war tour -10/05/1983 -new haven -usa -woolsey hall - yale university

C'est le 23e anniversaire de bono, et après i will follow, un gâteau lui est apporté et la foule chante joyeux anniversaire. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october new year's day gloria party girl 11 o'clock tick tock
U2 -War Tour -08/05/1983 -Hartford  -USA - Trinity College

U2 -war tour -08/05/1983 -hartford -usa - trinity college

Setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. new year's day gloria i will follow 40 u2 joue dans un festival universitaire. les autres attractions sont robert hazard et david johansen. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart sur
U2 -War Tour -07/05/1983 -Albany -USA -State University Of New York

U2 -war tour -07/05/1983 -albany -usa -state university of new york

U2 joue dans un festival universitaire. les autres attractions sont robert hazard et david johansen. setlist out of control twilight an cat dubh into the heart surrender two hearts beat as one seconds sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. new year's day gloria i will follow 40 cliquez sur la photo pour agrandir . u2 concert orpheum theate
U2 -War Tour -06/05/1983 -Boston -USA - Orpheum Theatre

U2 -war tour -06/05/1983 -boston -usa - orpheum theatre

Cliquez sur la photo pour agrandir . u2 concert orpheum theater boston ma. 6th 1983 kbfh fm boadcast master from the joe maloney archive transferred and presented by krwvesvesco broadcast on may 29, 1983 pls. subscribe for. u2 concert orpheum theater boston ma. 6th 1983 kbfh fm boadcast master from the joe maloney archive transferred and presented
U2 -War Tour -05/05/1983 -Boston -USA -Orpheum Theatre #1

U2 -war tour -05/05/1983 -boston -usa -orpheum theatre #1

Setlist out of control two hearts beat as one an cat dubh into the heart sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. october gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me setlist: gloria a day without me i threw a brick through a window seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one setlist glor
U2 -War Tour -03/05/1983 -Pittsburgh -USA -Fulton Theater

U2 -war tour -03/05/1983 -pittsburgh -usa -fulton theater

Setlist la setlist n'est pas disponible setlist: gloria a day without me i threw a brick through a window seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one setlist gloria i threw a brick through a ... setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the cry->
U2 -War Tour -01/05/1983 -Stony Brook -USA -State University Of New York

U2 -war tour -01/05/1983 -stony brook -usa -state university of new york

Setlist: gloria a day without me i threw a brick through a window seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one
U2 -War Tour -30/04/1983 -Providence -USA -Brown University

U2 -war tour -30/04/1983 -providence -usa -brown university

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist: gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surre
U2 -War Tour -29/04/1983 -Delhi -USA -State University Of New York

U2 -war tour -29/04/1983 -delhi -usa -state university of new york

Setlist: gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow new year's day two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunda
U2 -War Tour -27/04/1983 -Auburn -USA -Cayuga County Communty College Gym

U2 -war tour -27/04/1983 -auburn -usa -cayuga county communty college gym

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the
U2 -War Tour -25/04/1983 -College Park - USA - Ritchie Stadium

U2 -war tour -25/04/1983 -college park - usa - ritchie stadium

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday
U2 -War Tour -24/04/1983 -Norfalk -USA -Chrysler Hall

U2 -war tour -24/04/1983 -norfalk -usa -chrysler hall

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 u2 se produit lors d'un concert bénéfice de l'unicef, "the carolina concert for children
U2 -War Tour -23/04/1983 -Chapel Hill  -USA - Kenan Stadium

U2 -war tour -23/04/1983 -chapel hill -usa - kenan stadium

U2 se produit lors d'un concert bénéfice de l'unicef, «the carolina concert for children», avec the producers et todd rundgren. setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow
U2 -War Tour -03/04/1983 -Bourges -France - Le Printemps De Bourges

U2 -war tour -03/04/1983 -bourges -france - le printemps de bourges

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 mike peters de the alarm et stuart adamson de big country rejoignent u2 pour knockin 'on h
U2 -War Tour -29/03/1983 -Londres -Angleterre- Hammersmith Palais

U2 -war tour -29/03/1983 -londres -angleterre- hammersmith palais

Mike peters de the alarm et stuart adamson de big country rejoignent u2 pour knockin 'on heaven's door. u2 - 'knockin' on heaven's door' with mike peters of the alarm & stuart adamson of big country live at hammersmith palais, london - 29 march 1983, last night of the war tour. setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me second
U2 -War Tour -28/03/1983 -Nottingham -Angleterre - Royal Centre

U2 -war tour -28/03/1983 -nottingham -angleterre - royal centre

Bono est frustré par la manière excessivement brutale dont le personnel de sécurité traite l'auditoire enthousiaste et exprime son insatisfaction à leur égard. setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two heart
U2 -War Tour -27/03/1983 -Birmingham - Angleterre -Odeon

U2 -war tour -27/03/1983 -birmingham - angleterre -odeon

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist gloriai threw a brick through a windowa day without mesecondssurrendern
U2 -War Tour -26/03/1983 -Newcastle -Angleterre- Newcastle City Hall

U2 -war tour -26/03/1983 -newcastle -angleterre- newcastle city hall

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 setlist gloriai threw a brick through a windowa day without mesecondssurrendern
U2 -War Tour -25/03/1983 -Liverpool  Angleterre - Royal Court Theater

U2 -war tour -25/03/1983 -liverpool angleterre - royal court theater

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 avant le concert, bono assiste à une conférence de presse informelle. uploade
U2 -War Tour -24/03/1983 -Glasgow  Ecosse - Tiffany's

U2 -war tour -24/03/1983 -glasgow ecosse - tiffany's

Avant le concert, bono assiste à une conférence de presse informelle. uploaded by stories for boys on 2017-05-12. setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 1
U2 -War Tour -22/03/1983 -Londres -Angleterre -Hammersmith Odeon #2

U2 -war tour -22/03/1983 -londres -angleterre -hammersmith odeon #2

Setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 steven wickham joue du violon pendant sunday bloody sunday and tomorrow. setlis
U2 -War Tour -21/03/1983 -Londres -Angleterre -Hammersmith Odeon #1

U2 -war tour -21/03/1983 -londres -angleterre -hammersmith odeon #1

Steven wickham joue du violon pendant sunday bloody sunday and tomorrow. setlist gloria i threw a brick through a window a day without me seconds surrender new year's day sunday bloody sunday the cry-> the electric co. i fall down october tomorrow two hearts beat as one twilight out of control party girl 11 o'clock tick tock i will follow 40 on pen