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Random things in my Notebook
Alexandrine Alexandrine
Articles : 10
Depuis : 13/03/2014
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

Dumbledore's philosophy (2)

Dumbledore's philosophy (2)

It is our choices, harry, that show what we really are, far more than our abilities.
Lemony Snicket (1)

Lemony snicket (1)

Bien souvent, lorsque certaines personnes se sentent malheureuses, elles voudront faire en sorte que d'autres personnes ressentent la même chose. mais ça n'aide pas vraiment.
Sirius Black - Harry Potter again!

Sirius black - harry potter again!

If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
Le Cid (2)

Le cid (2)

Ô rage! ô désespoir! ô vieillesse ennemie! n'ai-je donc tant vécu que pour cette infamie? et ne suis-je blanchi dans les travaux guerriers que pour voir en un jour flétrir tant de lauriers?
Lemony Snicket (3)

Lemony snicket (3)

All the secrets of the world are contained in books. read at your own risk.
Lemony Snicket (4)

Lemony snicket (4)

There are many reasons, of course, why someone might snap their fingers and grin. if you heard some pleasant music, you might snap your fingers and grin to demonstrate that the music had charms that could soothe your savage beast. if you were employed as a spy, you might snap your fingers and grin in order to deliver a message in a secret snapping-
Lemony Snicket (2)

Lemony snicket (2)

Reading is one form of escape. running for your life is another.
Le Cid (1)

Le cid (1)

Je suis jeune, il est vrai, mais aux âmes bien nées; la valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années.