Lyes Ferhani
Lyes Ferhani
Ses blogs
Mon blog est sociétal et culturel, c'est-à-dire qu'il traite de sujets sociétaux ou liés à la culture, allant des nouvelles technologies aux phénomènes sociaux ( donc parfois la religion, la laïcité, les médias..). Récemment j'ai mis l'accent sur certains sujets susceptibles d'intéresser beaucoup de gens que ce soit en Algérie où je réside ou ailleurs dans le monde comme la place de la religion, la condition de la femme, la mondialisation, les rapports entre l'Algérie et la France ou encore l'influence des États-Unis dans le monde. Dans les articles consacrés à l'Algérie je tiens à mettre en lumière le caractère pluriel de la culture algérienne. Il y a également des articles et critiques sur la littérature, la musique ainsi que le cinéma dans le monde, et pourquoi pas d'autres formes d'arts. J'ai commencé par écrire en français, il y a aussi des articles en arabe et j'écris également en anglais . Tous les articles sont classés par catégorie à droite en-bas ou par année dans les archives, avec une section réservée aux articles en arabe et une autre en anglais. Je rappelle qu'il y a un espace pour les commentaires en bas de chaque article, l'adresse e-mail n'est pas obligatoire, ni le nom véritable.
Lyes Ferhani
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I’m a follower of bruce springsteen’s journey since quite a long time now, and he is undoubtedly an iconic figure of rock music of which he successfully captured the essence while composing profound melodies that match up perfectly with his polished lyrics, often depicting the life and plight of “those forgotten by american dream” like it
I have read again the great novel 1984 by georges orwell that i had discovered twenty years ago. like all the masterpieces, this book is still relevant today although it has been written in 1948. one can also say that more the time passes more accurate are the predictions of orwell, for there are two levels of reading that novel. it remains a very
It is quite difficult to summarize all the literary skills and qualities of the libyan writer, ibrahim el kouni, who says about himself that he is made “of tuareg (amazigh) consciousness and arabic culture”. hence, he has exploited beneficially all the civilisational legacy and cultural wealth of north africa, in order to enrich his literary wo
John steinbeck is a great figure of american literature who does not need to be introduced since his name is often associated with the denunciation of financial capitalism excesses and the fate of the victims of the stock market crash which occurred in the usa, in 1929. that have been said, this aspect of the great writer’s work obscures sometime
La figure de jimmy hendrix a indéniablement marqué l’historie du rock. on l’associe le plus souvent à son jeu de guitare incroyable et à ses poses spectaculaires : la guitare dans le dos ou serrant les fils entre ses dents le plus naturellement du monde. de fait, c’est l’un des plus grands techniciens de la guitare dans le monde du rock
After i have dedicated several articles to african amazigh music, i thought it was necessary to evoke tinariwen, a great algerian band of tuareg music which has already been widely acclaimed throughout the world, and deserves to be known by even more listeners. worth-mentioning is the fact that tuareg music addresses the senses if one gets a taste
Devo is a very creative electro-punk band formed in ohio (usa) and which made its breakthrough in the late 1970s and remained active with its founding members throughout the 1980s. they were famous for their innovative electronic sounds mixed with post/punk energy and satirical lyrics, strange outfits and even the quirky atmosphere of their music w
I have read for the third time black bazaar (the book that made me discover the french-congolese author alain mabanckou) and i must say that i have not been disappointed. i remembered that the novel didn’t contain many events strictly speaking, but once again i have dived in the universe of the protagonist, a congolese man living in france, and w
Édouard aux mains d’argent sorti en 1990 est un des films majeurs de tim burton, cinéaste américain oh combien créatif dans le fond et la forme, qui a su marier conte fantastique, réalisme urbain et satyre tout au long de son parcours, même si il s’est parfois égaré en exploitant excessivement le filon des vielles légendes anglo-saxonn
Edouard scissorhands , released in 1990, is one of the major films of tim burton, an singularly creative american director who was able to merge fantastic tales, urban realism and satyr all along his journey, although he sometimes lost his way by leaning excessively on anglo-saxon old legends like sleepy hollow or alice in wonderland of which he ma