I have been teaching English for a long long time in a secondary school and at university .I wish my students could get more resources thanks to this blog , so if you want to improve your English , let's do it together
Just what the devil's going on in blighty? a run through the current state of play in the british general election.
a video to watch the understand what is going on
Donald trump plans to withdraw the united states from the paris agreement on climate change. that's bad news for anyone who happens to live on this planet. connect with last week tonight online ...
Nfl players kneel for anthem in unprecedented defiance of trump 01/10/2017
nfl and baseball players demonstrate against donald trump after the us president's comments on friday that nfl players who kneel during the national anthem should be fired. the jacksonville jaguars
nfl players staged an unprecedented wave of protest on sunday, beginning at w
Voilà un rapport qui devrait faire parler à la rentrée 2018 et qui ne devrait pas prendre la poussière dans le dernier tiroir des décideurs. mercredi 25 juillet 2018, la sénatrice radicale de...
Et voici le moment de reprendre les cours de la prépa sciences po . parmi les problèmes d'actualité , le problème des statues de confédérés aux etats unis un grand merci à la collègue qui a préparé un magnifique padlet
This site is maintained by rob mccormack. rob mccormack is an australian who lives in melbourne and is retired from full time work. he enjoyed a long career which included roles as it project ...