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Espace Roro

Espace Roro
AbricotAmbitieux1649450 AbricotAmbitieux1649450
Articles : 166
Depuis : 16/07/2005

Articles à découvrir

The Mars Volta - Amputechture

The mars volta - amputechture

T h e m a r s v o l t a _____________________________________________ a m p u t e c h t u r e tracklist: 1. vicarious atonement -- 2. tetragrammaton -- 3. vermicide -- 4. meccamputechture -- 5. asilos magdalena -- 6. viscera eyes -- 7. day of the baphomets -- 8. el ciervo vulnerado critique rédigée par roro 3ème album studio en 3 ans pour the ma
Wolfmother - Wolfmother

Wolfmother - wolfmother

W o l f m o t h e r ______________________________________________________________ w o l f m o t h e r tracklist: 1. colossal -- 2. woman -- 3. white unicorn -- 4. pyramid -- 5. mind's eye -- 6. joker & the thief -- 7. dimension -- 8. where eagles have been -- 9. apple tree -- 10. tales from the forest of gnomes -- 11. witchcraft -- 12. vagabond cr
Neil Young - Harvest

Neil young - harvest

N e i l y o u n g _____________________________________________ h a r v e s t tracklist: 1. out on the weekend -- 2. harvest -- 3. a man needs a maid -- 4. heart of gold -- 5. are you ready for the country ? -- 6. old man -- 7. there's a world -- 8. alabama -- 9. the needle and the damage done -- 10. words (between the lines of age) critique rédig
The Kooks - Inside In Inside Out

The kooks - inside in inside out

T h e k o o k s ______________________________________________________________ i n s i d e i n - i n s i d e o u t tracklist: 01. seaside -- 02. see the world -- 03. sofa song -- 04. eddie's gun -- 05. ooh la -- 06. you don't love me -- 07. she moves in her own way -- 08. matchbox -- 09. naïve -- 10. i want you back -- 11. if only -- 12. jackie bi
Kaiser Chiefs - Yours Truly, Angry Mob

Kaiser chiefs - yours truly, angry mob

K a i s e r c h i e f s _____________________________________________ y o u r s t r u l y, a n g r y m o b tracklist: 1. ruby -- 2. the angry mob -- 3. heat dies down -- 4. highroyds -- 5. love's not a competition (but i'm winning) -- 6. thank you very much -- 7. i can do it without you -- 8. my kind of guy -- 9. eveyrthing is average nowadays -- 1
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

Pink floyd - wish you were here

P i n k f l o y d _____________________________________________ w i s h y o u w e r e h e r e tracklist: 1. shine on you crazy diamond - part one -- 2. welcome to the machine -- 3. have a cigar -- 4. wish you were here -- 5. shine on you crazy diamond - part two critique rédigée par roro il y a des groupes qui marquent l'histoire de la musique. l
David Bowie - Reality

David bowie - reality

D a v i d b o w i e _____________________________________________ r e a l i t y tracklist: 1. new killer star -- 2. pablo picasso-- 3. never get old -- 4. the loneliest guy -- 5. looking for water -- 6. she'll drive the big car -- 7. days -- 8. fall dog bombs the moon -- 9. try some, buy some -- 10. reality -- 11. bring me the disco king -- 12. wat
John Frusciante - To Record Only Water For Ten Days

John frusciante - to record only water for ten days

J o h n f r u s c i a n t e _____________________________________________ t o r e c o r d o n l y w a t e r f o r t e n d a y s tracklist: 1. going inside -- 2. someone's -- 3. the first season -- 4. wind up space -- 5. away and anywhere -- 6. remain -- 7. fallout -- 8. ramparts -- 9. with no one -- 10. murderers -- 11. invisible movement -- 12. re
Radiohead - OK Computer

Radiohead - ok computer

R a d i o h e a d _____________________________________________ o k c o m p u t e r tracklist: 1. airbag -- 2. paranoid android -- 3. subterranean homesick alien -- 4. exit music (for a film) -- 5. let down -- 6. karma police -- 7. fitter happier -- 8. electioneering -- 9. climbing up the walls -- 10. no surprises -- 11. lucky -- 12.the tourist cri
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik

Red hot chili peppers - blood sugar sex magik

R e d h o t c h i l i p e p p e r s _____________________________________________ b l o o d s u g a r s e x m a g i k tracklist: 1. the power of equality -- 2. if you have to ask -- 3. breaking the girl -- 4. funky monks -- 5. suck my kiss -- 6. i could have lied -- 7. mellowship slinky in bmajor -- 8. the righteous & the wicked -- 9. give it away