Connaissez- vous les "story sacks". ce sont des sacs contenant un album et des objets s'y rapportant: personnages en peluche ou jouet, accessoires, activités, cd. en ce moment nous travaillons sur et voici ce que nous avons déjà fait... mais il nous reste encore à trouver certains accessoires ( lunettes et faux nez, chaîne et cadenas...) pour
Teddy va dans les classes et aide les jeunes écoliers à apprendre l'anglais.
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Famille & Enfants
Articles à découvrir
It's very hot at the moment. what am i going to wear? click on the picture to help me to get dressed?
Sunday april 24th is easter. how do you celebrate it ? i n england it starts today, on good friday. we eat the traditional hot cross buns. yummy!! click on the picture to sing the traditional song on easter sunday my friend the easter bunny hides chocolate eggs in the garden or in the house. the children go on an egg hunt. they put the eggs and jel
Et voici teddy de retour après une année sabbatique. hi everybody ! i’m glad to be back after my gap year. i travelled and met a lot of people. in london i met flat stanley. do you know flat stanley? in france they call him clément aplati. the flat stanley project makes him travel a lot. click on the picture to see him in london
What a wedding!! everything was perfect. the bride was beautiful, the prince charming, the ceremony grand, the parade super, the people cheerful and they will live happily ever after. click on the picture to look at the royal family tree
Happy birthday , your majesty! yesterday was the official birthday of the queen. on this occasion there is a parade called trooping the colour. this year prince william participated in the parade
What's the date tomorrow? april 1st is april fools' day . click on the photo to learn about it here are some activities to have fun a word search the magical banana fake spills april fools songs
Teddy has taken some holidays and hasn't been back yet ! but soon, he'll come back with new stories to share...
Qu'est-ce qu'un "chant" ? ce n'est pas une chanson ou plutôt c'est une chanson sans musique, simplement le rythme. nous avons crée nos propres chants en suivant les conseils de carolyn graham dans creating chants and songs. voulez-vous essayer? voici comment procéder; choisissez un thème ecrivez une dizaine de mots intéressants ou amusants gro
Happy new year