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Jean de Lisle-Deyfran

Jean de Lisle-Deyfran

Labourant en Hermès souhaitant échanger ses découvertes avec les Enfants de la Science.

Ses blogs

Alchimie et Mystique

Ce Blog a pour vocation de traiter des Mystères de l'Alchimie, de la Pratique hermétique, la Théorie de la Philosophie en Hermès et sa Mystique. Nous évoquerons également l'actualité qui touche à la Science Chymique // This blog aims to treat the Mysteries of Alchemy, practical, and Mysticism in Hermes. We will also discuss the news that affects Chymical Science.
Jean de Lisle-Deyfran Jean de Lisle-Deyfran
Articles : 14
Depuis : 05/10/2010
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Alchemy, an inner quest

What is alchemy ? here is a question which triggered many interesting and sensed responses, a few years ago, and which today no longer seems to find much interest among our contemporaries, or even more dramatic, seems to concentrate a set of thoughts and phantasmagorical replies. while modern man relies entirely on the law of capital and on the pac

L'alchimie et ses différentes voies d'approche

Couramment, nous rencontrons des cercles d’étudiants qui débattent de la réalité d’une alchimie dite spirituelle pouvant exister indépendamment d’une autre alchimie qu’ils nomment « pratique » ou bien « opérative ». ces adversaires, se rejoignant pourtant en hermès, nous offrent de brûlantes querelles sur ce sujet et l’absence
From the Light of lights to matter

From the light of lights to matter

All the reasoning mind held in the greatest spirits who have crossed the centuries, all the way to anonymous puffers having consumed wealth and health, never could penetrate the mysteries of alchemy. despite all the consented efforts and sacrifices, their discernment was tricked and mislead by a very familiar decoy, to believe that they could grasp

Alchimie, une quête du soi

Qu'est-ce que l'alchimie ? voilà une question qui déclenchait de nombreuses réponses censées et intéressantes il y a encore quelques années, et qui, aujourd’hui, ne semble plus trouver d’intérêt chez nos contemporains, ou plus dramatique encore, parait concentrer un ensemble de pensées et de réparties fantasmagoriques. alors que l’h

All is one

"... if the age of civilizations must be measured by the number of contradictions they accumulate, by the number of their incompatible beliefs tempering themselves one another, by the plurality of philosophies and aesthetics which coexist and cohabit in the same heads, it must be consented that our civilization is of the oldest." (paul valéry, the

Alchemy, myths and rationality

Before undertaking a more thorough development on the art of hermes, we let ourselves digress to the theme of mythology surrounding alchemy. numerous are the newcomers interested in our science for the wonders she offers to understanding. this sensational nebula surrounds our science with a diffuse cloud made of dreams and fantasies, covering an at

Gnose and alchemy, from jesus the living to jung

Today, we would like to speak of a well-anchored illness in all societies, it presents itself under the guise of a savant word, flushed and denounced, we name it simply "entropy" , and it characterizes to itself the unconscious but necessary process of the drifting of thinking, that tends to take the inert object for the subject of one's inner sear

Alchemy and its different paths of approach

Often we meet studious circles debating about the reality of a spiritual alchemy which could exist independently of another alchemy that they call "practical" or "operative". these adversaries, although mutually bonded in hermes, offer burning feuds on this subject and the absence of all temperance pushes them to close the debates, each group rejoi
De la Lumière des lumières à la matière

De la lumière des lumières à la matière

Toute la raison raisonnante réunie dans les plus grands esprits qui ont traversé les siècles jusqu’aux souffleurs anonymes ayant consumé fortunes et santés, n’ont pût percer les mystères de l’alchimie. malgré tous les efforts consentis et les sacrifices, leurs discernements ont été trompés par un leurre bien familier, celui de croi

Bleach the brass and tear your books !

We wish to inform the learned reader that the lines giving body to this blog rest upon multiple personages and historical facts, anecdotes and established lies, philosophical reflections, great mysteries and small legends, which are ultimately just a frame tendered by your servant, assumed pretense to talk to you essentially about alchemy, our sole