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Tags associés : applications, jeux, news

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Profiter un max de votre Iphone

Profiter un max de votre Iphone

Ze Blog ! Ici vous trouvez tous les news qui concernent l'Iphone: Jeux, applications...
Enzo Enzo
Articles : 47
Depuis : 22/05/2010
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Froggy Jump v1.2.0

Froggy jump v1.2.0

Froggy jump v1.2.0 iphone ipad and ipod touch jump with your frog into the air and begin the journey to the galaxy and beyond! wanna be immortal? be the first to reach the alien planets and they will be named after you in the next update! thanks to you froggy jump is really soaring: #1 in adventure games #2 in arcade games #2 in top games #3 in top
Blood & Honor v1.0

Blood & honor v1.0

Blood & honor v1.0 iphone ipad and ipod touch conquering the world has never been this fun and challenging! based on classic world domination board games, this game evolves its genre with innovative rules. players earn bonus cards to use as air raids, sabotage, nuclear bombs and more! while simple to learn, the variety of strategic options will mak
4×4 Jam 2.1 iPhone iPad and iPod touch

4×4 jam 2.1 iphone ipad and ipod touch

4×4 jam 2.1 iphone ipad and ipod touch v2.0 is out including career mode with 32 events + 2 new cars + 2 new tracks + new game mode! __________________________________________ - #1 in simulation games - #1 in racing games - one of the 50 best iphone and ipod touch games out to date. / - best of 2009 bronze award by pocketgamer - hotte
IM+ 4.0

Im+ 4.0

Im+ 4.0 iphone and ipod touch - ad ipad, iphone and ipod touch app. im+ will keep you connected all-in-one to twitter, skype chat, facebook, google talk, yahoo, msn/live messenger, aim/ichat, icq, myspace and jabber. you will stay connected even when you close im+; you'll be notified about new im in all supported networks via apple push notificatio
MetalWars 1.25 iPhone iPad and iPod touch

Metalwars 1.25 iphone ipad and ipod touch

Metalwars 1.25 iphone ipad and ipod touch features: new full 3d graphic introduced physics engine various particle effects variety types of ai types transformation of weapons and parts over 12 different weapons over 20 different parts metal wars is full 3d shooting game that attacks and destroys enemies while upgrading to various parts of bots and
Konjos World v1.0

Konjos world v1.0

Konjos world v1.0 iphone ipad and ipod touch konjo's world 1 is for iphone and ipod touch. there are 5 main areas in the game to explore. outhere, the hedge maze, the old city, the ice cave, and the sewers. choose your path with advanced touch-screen movement controls that include strafing. play as konjo, the mountain dwarf. to fight the troll warr
Zombie Infection

Zombie infection

Zombie infection l'infection se propage et la peur est partout dans ce jeu terrifiant dans lequel vous lutterez pour survivre. partez en amérique du sud en tant que soldat et reporter pour découvrir la vérité sur le fléau zombie. 12 niveaux terrifiants survivez dans 12 niveaux en mode campagne et battez-vous dans des favelas, une mine, un zoo,
Giant Moto v1.1.1

Giant moto v1.1.1

Giant moto v1.1.1 iphone ipad and ipod touch giant moto is a fast and fun arcade style motocross racing game that's all about jumps, boosts, and scoring the best time! - an apple "what's hot" game! - previously an apple "new and noteworthy" game! what's new best times fixed when upgrading from v1.0 to v1.1 thanks to all our fans for making giant mo
Kart Toons Racing v1.1

Kart toons racing v1.1

Kart toons racing v1.1 iphone ipad and ipod touch kart toons racing, lets you use power-ups to stop your opponents as you race around seven different cups. choose between four cartoon characters, kart toons racing is fun and awesome ! what's new //fix starting problem on some iphone// one click file hosting: kart_toons_racing%20(v1.1)-


Cluedo linkavec cluedo, soyez le premier à démasquer l'assassin ! le jeu de plateau à succès que vous adorez est de retour dans une superbe version revue et corrigée. _______________________________________ le casting officiel interrogez les 6 suspects originaux de cluedo : rose, leblanc, pervenche, moutarde, violet et olive. les accessoires d