Le pays dogon... une merveille du monde... quel enchantement, quel extase! nous nous sommes aventurés dans cette région sans savoir le cadeau que la vie nous offrait! daouda, un jeune homme dogon nous a permis de découvrir son berceau, ce coin aride de l'ouest du mali. nous avons passé une semaine à arpenter, escalader les falaises escarpés d
Fanella Westerveld
Fanella Westerveld
Ses blogs
Je souhaite créer grâce à ce blog une sorte de plate-forme informatique avec des adresses, bons plans de voyages, cuisines, des astuces, conseils en jardinage, permaculture, des idées, des photos... rien que du PARTAGE!
Fanella Westerveld
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How to describe the indescribable? i am a dreamer! so what? who are you? i think it is always nice to come back to basics... who am i? and who do i seek to be? who do i "truly" want or expect to be? and what "roads", "crossings" will i decide to take to become, to be who i truly want to be... i am now totally aware of who i am and who i want to be,
Percussive guitar song - tobias rauscher let's get in touch on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tobias.rauscher.music my homepage: http://www.tobias-rauscher.com tabs & music: ...
Bonjour, hello! my name is fanella westerveld, and i'm a 25 years old woman. so as i've always done back home, i will speak and posts texts in english and french, and maybe even in dutch. indeed, i was lucky to grow up with an english mum and a dutch dad, and two grown up sisters (four and five years more than i) who were giggling, chatting in a mi
La vie est un voyage… chaque naissance, chaque départ est un voyage… il peut être long ; comme il peut se résoudre à un claquement de doigts, un clignement de paupières. une porte qui s’ouvre, une lumière qui s’allume, un visage qui sourit est un voyage… le mien a commencé il y a bien longtemps… et je remercie la vie de m’offri
Very powerful music... enjoy! :)
market of mopti
discovering the village of lany modi (near the border of senegal, in the desert)
working in the fields of onions...
our house!
enjoying simple and precious moments
trying to hide?!
enjoying quiet time in the shadow
introduction to painting... so much fun!!!
"smile and the world smiles back at you... "
pounding corn
arrival to
Driving through the rice fields...
delicious food
searching for fleas, or tickling?!
offerings for the gods
coconut husks
balinese dance
dark sky
pure beauty
bouganvillea resort!
simply free
ulu watu
jungle gods
through the car window...
greatness of ulu watu
lava sunset
jungle overtakes human's world
Comment décrire l'indescriptible? je suis un rêveur! et alors? qui êtes-vous? je pense qu'il est toujours agréable de revenir à l'essentiel ... et de se poser la question "qui suis-je"? et quelle personne je souhaite devenir? quelles "routes", "sentiers" vais-je décider de prendre pour devenir la personne que je veux vraiment être ... commen
Life is a journey ... every birth, every start is a journey ... it can be long; as it can be solved in a snap, an eyeblink. a door that opens, a light comes on, a smiling face is a journey ... mine began _ a long time ago... and i thank life for giving me the chance every day to make a step ahead on our beautiful earth. i sail peacefully on the flo