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Maria Friese

Maria Friese

works of art - inspirations for healing and growing with art - teaching, workshops, retreats - artistic inspiration journeys - my heART Inspirations

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heART Inspiration by Maria Friese

heART Inspiration by Maria Friese

art and heart inspirations
Maria Friese Maria Friese
Articles : 116
Depuis : 02/09/2011
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

tutorial now on skillshare

Tutorial now on skillshare

Hello everybody, i would like to inform you, that a first tutorial is now available on skillshare. skillshare is an online community for creative people. with the membership you have the possibility to get inspired, discover and learn new skills. you pay a monthly rate of 16 euro or an annual rate (6,99euro per month). if you register for the first
The costume & its story

The costume & its story

I've been waiting for this for more than two years! the world of wearable art show in wellington/new zealand finally happened. with that, a dream came true, because that was a big wish of mine: to see my art professionally on stage! here is the very first picture, more coming soon! here is the garment story: i started the creation of this costume i
amazing news and special offers

Amazing news and special offers

Exciting news!!! i am a finalist for the world of wearableart awards in new-zealand 2021 !!! yeah!!! a dream will come true: seeing my work of art professionally performed on stage! i need to tell you a bit more about my story: i remember: during my textile design studies i always looked with an admiring look to the fashion designer section. i was
Poetry of geometry - a new series of online courses

Poetry of geometry - a new series of online courses

In the beginning of the month i started with a new series of online courses with the theme: poetry of geometry! in this series we are going to explore geometric patterns and shapes with our senses and by felting, but also the meanings of them and how we can use them for our personal development. the first class was a great experience so i want to s
Andalusia  first impressions and inspiration

Andalusia first impressions and inspiration

Looking back today to my trip to andalusia last month. the first words i have written in my journal were: where olives, walnuts, figs, almonds and pomegranates are growing on the trees - there i feel home… right, i felt very touched by this andalusian environment and culture - something felt so familiar. although it was only a short trip, it was
Exklusive Masterclass

Exklusive masterclass

Hallo, der september hat begonnen und mit ihm kommen neue ideen, neue projekte und neue angebote. hier kommt ein ganz exklusives: im november biete ich für 6 teilnehmer eine intensiv exklusiv masterclass zum thema "wie ein fisch im wasser"! wir wünschen uns alle, in unserem leben, auf dem eigenen weg, mit der eigenen kunst, uns wie ein fisch im w
Follow and support me on patreon

Follow and support me on patreon

Hi everbody, i am now on patreon! if you would like to follow me and support me, check this out! i was looking for a way to share special content about my new way of working, my creative way of living, my personal experiences in making my life a work of art. i have also committed myself to really engage with my followers! and especially with myself
The golden spiral - la spirale d'or

The golden spiral - la spirale d'or

Here are my results of last month's online cours about the spiral"! i created a pdf instruction, how to create a spiral. it is now for purchase on my website. (link below) hier sind meine resultate des letzten monatlichen online kurses zum thema "die spirale". ich habe davon eine pdf anleitung erstellt, welche nun auf meiner website gekauft werden
Poetry of Geometry - the Breath of The Compassionate

Poetry of geometry - the breath of the compassionate

Cyanotype + gold exhale and inhale give and take action and retreat expansion and contraction manifestation and inspiration day and night sun and moon ... during the last weeks i explored and experienced the pattern "the breath of the compassionate". i always have been interested in geometry, especially sacred geometry. so, i love to challenge myse