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U2 -Elevation Tour -27/11/2001 -Kansas City -USA -Kemper Arena

U2 -elevation tour -27/11/2001 -kansas city -usa -kemper arena

Un extrait de when i look at the world est chanté pendant bad, la seule fois où la chanson apparaît en direct sous quelque forme que ce soit. after receiving a petition that had been circulated throughout the ga line earlier in the day, u2 did the first two verses of "when i look at the world" at t... enjoy the videos and music you love, upload
U2 -Elevation Tour -20/11/2001 -Sacramento USA- Arco Arena

U2 -elevation tour -20/11/2001 -sacramento usa- arco arena

Happy birthday a été chanté à dallas schoo, technicien de guitare d'edge, entre new york et one. u2 - 2001-11-20 - sacramento, california, usa - arco arena - beautiful day / all you need is love (snippet) elevation tour 3rd leg front cam setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldmysterious waysi will followsunday bloody sundaystuc
U2 -Elevation Tour -19/11/2001 -Los Angeles USA- Staples Center

U2 -elevation tour -19/11/2001 -los angeles usa- staples center

Ce spectacle présente la dernière performance de wild honey. (cliquez sur la photo pour agrandir ). u2 - 2001-11-19 - los angeles, california, usa - staples center - bad / who's gonna ride your wild horses (snippet) elevation tour 3rd leg adam's side setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldmysterious waysout of controlsunday blood
U2 -Elevation Tour -18/11/2001 -Las Vegas USA -Thomas And Mack Arena

U2 -elevation tour -18/11/2001 -las vegas usa -thomas and mack arena

What's going on en duo avec gwen stefani (du groupe no doubt qui assurait la première partie du concert). uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-06-14. uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-06-15. setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayi will followsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeypeop
U2 -Elevation Tour -16/11/2001 -Oakland USA- Oakland Coliseum Arena

U2 -elevation tour -16/11/2001 -oakland usa- oakland coliseum arena

Un fan est amené sur scène pour jouer de la guitare et commence à gratter a sort of homecoming. a dream came true in november, 2001 when i had the opportunity to play guitar onstage with u2 during the elevation tour in oakland. i surprised the band by starting "a sort of homecoming" before they knew what was happening. setlist elevationbeautiful
U2 -Elevation Tour -15/11/2001-Oakland USA -Oakland Coliseum Arena

U2 -elevation tour -15/11/2001-oakland usa -oakland coliseum arena

Setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeypleasebad / who's gonna ride your wild horseswhere the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of love) bullet the blue skywhat's going onnew yorkone / p
U2 -Elevation Tour -13/11/2001-Los Angeles USA- Staples Center #2

U2 -elevation tour -13/11/2001-los angeles usa- staples center #2

Comme le concert précédent, le chanteur de no doubt gwen stefani apparaît dans what's going on. uploaded by armando santiago on 2015-10-04. uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-07-14. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day i will follow sunday bloody sunday stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite wild honey p
U2 -Elevation Tour -12/11/2001 -Los Angeles USA- Staples Center #1

U2 -elevation tour -12/11/2001 -los angeles usa- staples center #1

No doubt's gwen stefani rejoint le groupe pour what's going on. u2 - 2001-11-12 - los angeles, california, usa - staples center - please / bad / who's gonna ride your wild horses (snippet) / 40 (snippet) elevation tour 3rd leg adam's side setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sundaystuck i
U2 -Elevation Tour -09/11/2001-Salt Lake City USA- Delta Center

U2 -elevation tour -09/11/2001-salt lake city usa- delta center

Uploaded by fleavox on 2013-12-03. setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayi will followsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeypeople get readypleasebad / who's gonna ride your wild horses / 40where the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of
U2 -Elevation Tour -07/11/2001-Denver USA  Pepsi Center

U2 -elevation tour -07/11/2001-denver usa pepsi center

C’est la seule fois où u2 joue all along the watchtower depuis la fin du tour de lovetown le 10 janvier 1990. setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeyall along the watchtowerpleaseall i want is youwhere the streets have no namei st
U2 -Elevation Tour -05/11/2001 -Austin USA Frank Erwin Center

U2 -elevation tour -05/11/2001 -austin usa frank erwin center

Uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-06-27. uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-06-27. setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayi will followsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeypleasebadwhere the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of love) bu
U2 -Elevation Tour -02/11/2001 Philadelphie USA- First Union Center

U2 -elevation tour -02/11/2001 philadelphie usa- first union center

U2 - 2001-11-02 - philadelphia, pennsylvania, usa - first union center - new year's day elevation tour 3rd leg audience front setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitewild honeypleasebad / 40where the streets have no namei still haven't found wh
U2 -Elevation Tour -30/10/2001-Providence -USA -Providence Civic Center #

U2 -elevation tour -30/10/2001-providence -usa -providence civic center #

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day out of control sunday bloody sunday stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite angel of harlem please bad where the streets have no name i still haven't found what i'm looking for pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky what's going on new york one/when will i see yo
U2 -Elevation Tour -28/10/2001-East Rutherford -USA -Continental Arena

U2 -elevation tour -28/10/2001-east rutherford -usa -continental arena

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day i will follow sunday bloody sunday stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite angel of harlem please all i want is you where the streets have no name i still haven't found what i'm looking for pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky what's going on new york one/peace
U2 -Elevation Tour -27/10/2001 -New-York USA ,Madison Square Garden #3

U2 -elevation tour -27/10/2001 -new-york usa ,madison square garden #3

Bruce brody (de lone justice et patti smith group) rejoint u2 aux claviers dans please. une vingtaine de pompiers et travailleurs médicaux d'urgence de new york montent sur scène pendant walk on et restent pour le reste du spectacle. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day i will follow sunday bloody sunday / whe
U2 -Elevation Tour -25/10/2001 -New-York USA ,Madison Square Garden #2

U2 -elevation tour -25/10/2001 -new-york usa ,madison square garden #2

Madison square garden audience shot setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayi will followsunday bloody sunday / when will i see you againstuck in a moment you can't get out ofkiteangel of harlemstay (faraway, so close!)bad / 40where the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of
U2 -Elevation Tour -24/10/2001 -New-York -USA- Madison Square Garden #1

U2 -elevation tour -24/10/2001 -new-york -usa- madison square garden #1

Dernière performance de staring at the sun billet de concert . setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sundaystuck in a moment you can't get out ofkiteangel of harlemknockin' on heaven's doorstaring at the sunbad / 40where the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forp
U2 -Elevation Tour -19/10/2001 -Baltimore ,USA -Arena

U2 -elevation tour -19/10/2001 -baltimore ,usa -arena

Please est joué pour la première fois depuis mars 1998. il s'agit de la seule performance complète du groupe sur l'elevation tour . setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sunday / when will i see you againstuck in a moment you can't get out ofkiteangel of harlemknockin' on heaven's doors
U2 -Elevation Tour -16/10/2001 -Chicago -USA- United Center #2

U2 -elevation tour -16/10/2001 -chicago -usa- united center #2

Setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayi will followsunday bloody sundaywake up dead manstuck in a moment you can't get out ofkitedesirestay (faraway, so close!)all i want is youwhere the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of love) bullet the blue skywhat's going onnew yor
U2 -Elevation Tour -15/10/2001-Chicago ,USA -United Center #1

U2 -elevation tour -15/10/2001-chicago ,usa -united center #1

Setlist elevationbeautiful dayuntil the end of the worldnew year's dayout of controlsunday bloody sunday / when will i see you againstuck in a moment you can't get out ofkiteangel of harlempeople get readystaring at the sunbad / 40where the streets have no namei still haven't found what i'm looking forpride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky
U2 -Elevation Tour -13/10/2001-Hamilton USA -Copps Coliseum

U2 -elevation tour -13/10/2001-hamilton usa -copps coliseum

Uploaded by armando santiago on 2013-12-12. uploaded by armando santiago on 2013-12-13. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day out of control sunday bloody sunday when will i see you again / stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite angel of harlem people get ready staring at the sun bad where the streets have n
U2 -Elevation Tour -12/10/2001 -Montreal -Canada - Molson Centre

U2 -elevation tour -12/10/2001 -montreal -canada - molson centre

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day out of control sunday bloody sunday / when will i see you again stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite angel of harlem staring at the sun bad / 40 where the streets have no name mysterious ways pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky what's going on new york with
U2 -Elevation Tour -10/10/2001 -Notre Dame  USA -Joyce Center

U2 -elevation tour -10/10/2001 -notre dame usa -joyce center

U2 entame la deuxième étape américaine du elevation tour. après les attentats du 11 septembre, le nouvel album a acquis une résonance supplémentaire. u2 - beautiful day (elevation live from southbend) 10.10.2001. u2 - where the streets have no name (elevation live from south bend) setlist beautiful day until the end of the world new year's da
U2 -Elevation Tour -22/08/2001 -Londres -Angleterre -Earls Court #4

U2 -elevation tour -22/08/2001 -londres -angleterre -earls court #4

Dernière représentation de sweetest thing jusqu'au 8 mai 2015. another great elevation tour performance! this is in london england, 2001-08-22. sound quality is not the best on the file. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day pride (in the name of love) kite new york out of control sunday bloody sunday / get up,
U2 -Elevation Tour -21/08/2001 -Londres -Angleterre -Earls Court #3

U2 -elevation tour -21/08/2001 -londres -angleterre -earls court #3

Bono a dédié kite à son père. ce spectacle présente la dernière représentation de 11 o'clock tick tock jusqu'au 28 mai 2015. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york 11 o'clock tick tock sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up wake up dead man in a little while stuck in a moment you can't g
U2 -Elevation Tour -19/08/2001 -Londres -Angleterre -Earls Court #2

U2 -elevation tour -19/08/2001 -londres -angleterre -earls court #2

Angel of harlem est joué en réponse à une demande de fans. ce concert comprend également la dernière représentation de the ground beneath her feet. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world discothèque / devil inside / staring at the sun kite new york out of control sunday bloody sunday wake up dead man stuck in a moment you
U2 -Elevation Tour -18/08/2001 -Londres -Angleterre -Earls Court #1

U2 -elevation tour -18/08/2001 -londres -angleterre -earls court #1

U2 - 2001.08.18 - london, england (field cam) - new york elevation tour 2nd leg setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday wake up dead man stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad / 40 where the streets have no
U2 -Elevation Tour -15/08/2001 -Birmingham -Angleterre -NEC Arena #2

U2 -elevation tour -15/08/2001 -birmingham -angleterre -nec arena #2

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world discothèque / yellow / staring at the sun kite new york out of control sunday bloody sunday wake up dead man stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while stay (faraway, so close!) all i want is you where the streets have no name mysterious ways pride (in the name of love) bulle
U2 -Elevation Tour -14/08/2001 -Birmingham -Angleterre -NEC Arena #1

U2 -elevation tour -14/08/2001 -birmingham -angleterre -nec arena #1

U2 - 2001.08.14 - birmingham, england - with or without you / love will tear us apart (snippet) elevation tour 2nd leg setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday wake up dead man stuck in a moment you can't get out of desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad / 40 where
U2 -Elevation Tour -12/08/2001 -Manchester -Angleterre -M.E.N. Arena #2

U2 -elevation tour -12/08/2001 -manchester -angleterre -m.e.n. arena #2

La performance de one pose des problèmes techniques et, une fois la chanson terminée, le groupe quitte la scène et ne revient pas. ceci est le seul concert de la tourne qui ne se termine pas par walk on. this was filmed 2001-08-12 i was there :-) cam is a bit jumpy but better than nout! setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world
U2 -Elevation Tour -11/08/2001 -Manchester -Angleterre -M.E.N. Arena #1

U2 -elevation tour -11/08/2001 -manchester -angleterre -m.e.n. arena #1

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world discothèque / staring at the sun kite new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad / 40 where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without you /
U2 -Elevation Tour -08/08/2001 -Barcelone -Espagne -Palau Sant Jordi

U2 -elevation tour -08/08/2001 -barcelone -espagne -palau sant jordi

C'est l'anniversaire d'edge et party girl fait une apparition rare sur le elevation tour. spanish eyes est joué pour la première fois depuis le 14 mai 1992 et pour la deuxième fois depuis la fin de the joshua tree tour en 1987. enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on y
U2 -Elevation Tour -05/08/2001 -Anvers -Belgique -Sportpaleis #1

U2 -elevation tour -05/08/2001 -anvers -belgique -sportpaleis #1

U2 playing stay (faraway, so close!) live at antwerp, 2001-08-05, with two shots of happy, one shot of sad snippets. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire two shots of happy / stay (f
U2 -Elevation Tour -03/08/2001 -Arnhem -Pays-Bas -Gelredome #3

U2 -elevation tour -03/08/2001 -arnhem -pays-bas -gelredome #3

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world pride (in the name of love) kite gone new york out of control sunday bloody sunday when i get home / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while stay (faraway, so close!) bad where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without you one wake
U2 -Elevation Tour -01/08/2001 -Arnhem -Pays-Bas -Gelredome #2

U2 -elevation tour -01/08/2001 -arnhem -pays-bas -gelredome #2

Avant the ground beneath her feet, bono fait chanter le public joyeux anniversaire à une fan nommée anna. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways / sexual healing kite new york 11 o'clock tick tock sunday bloody sunday when i get home / stuck in a moment you can't get out of sweetest thing staring at the sun the
U2 -Elevation Tour -31/07/2001 -Arnhem -Pays-Bas -Gelredome #1

U2 -elevation tour -31/07/2001 -arnhem -pays-bas -gelredome #1

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up when i get home / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad / norwegian wood / 40 where the streets have no name mysterious ways / sexual healing the f
U2 -Elevation Tour -29/07/2001 -Berlin -Allemagne -Waldbühne

U2 -elevation tour -29/07/2001 -berlin -allemagne -waldbühne

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad / wild horses / 40 where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky wi
U2 -Elevation Tour -27/07/2001 -Vienne  Autriche - Stadthalle

U2 -elevation tour -27/07/2001 -vienne autriche - stadthalle

U2 comes for the elevation tour (2001) to vienna. first the give an interwive at the airport, then you see the 1 song from the tour live in vienna elevation tour in vienna, stadthalle, 2nd night. single cam on edge's side. taper unknown (thanks!). uploaded as part of the u2start video project. elevation... setlist elevation beautiful day until the
U2 -Elevation Tour -24/07/2001 -Zurich -Suisse  -Hallenstadion #2

U2 -elevation tour -24/07/2001 -zurich -suisse -hallenstadion #2

Avant one, bono demande au public de chanter happy birthday au réalisateur sonore joe o'herlihy. coming home: the first (and best) of the three concerts in dublin in 2009. thanks to the 148 users who have their clips uploaded to youtube -- especially u2gigs. thanks to 'heartland', who has made the audio file via available. and: yes! th
U2 -Elevation Tour -23/07/2001 -Zurich  Suisse 23/07/2001 Hallenstadion #1

U2 -elevation tour -23/07/2001 -zurich suisse 23/07/2001 hallenstadion #1

Bono amène didier d'heur de belgique sur scène pour jouer à people get ready. pendant le vol, bono amène nadine d'allemagne sur scène. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little
U2 -Elevation Tour -21/07/2001 -Turin -Italie -Stadio Delle Alpi

U2 -elevation tour -21/07/2001 -turin -italie -stadio delle alpi

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire stay (faraway, so close!) bad where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without you one wake up dead man
U2 -Elevation Tour -15/07/2001 -Munich -Allemagne -Olympiahalle

U2 -elevation tour -15/07/2001 -munich -allemagne -olympiahalle

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire / gloria stay (faraway, so close!) bad / 40 where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without you one wa
U2 -Elevation Tour -13/07/2001 -Cologne -Allemagne -Kölnarena #2

U2 -elevation tour -13/07/2001 -cologne -allemagne -kölnarena #2

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways kite gone new york out of control sunday bloody sunday in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of sweetest thing the ground beneath her feet all i want is you where the streets have no name pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky with or without you the fly
U2 -Elevation Tour -12/07/2001 -Cologne -Allemagne -Kölnarena #1

U2 -elevation tour -12/07/2001 -cologne -allemagne -kölnarena #1

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite new york i will follow / ring those bells sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire / hawkmoon 269 / running to stand still stay (faraway, so close!) bad / 40 where the streets have no name myster
U2 -Elevation Tour -09/07/2001 -Stockholm -Suède -Globen

U2 -elevation tour -09/07/2001 -stockholm -suède -globen

Uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-06-29. uploaded by kevin santiago on 2014-07-22. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways kite gone new york i will follow / ring those bells sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of stay (faraway, so close!) bad where the streets
U2 -Elevation Tour -07/07/2001 -Copenhague -Danemark -Forum #2

U2 -elevation tour -07/07/2001 -copenhague -danemark -forum #2

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite new york i will follow / ring those bells sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of stay (faraway, so close!) all i want is you where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without yo
U2 -Elevation Tour -06/07/2001 -Copenhague -Danemark -Forum #1

U2 -elevation tour -06/07/2001 -copenhague -danemark -forum #1

1. elevation 2. beautiful day (short cut) 3. (cut - joined in progress) until the end of the world 4. mysterious ways (short cut) / sexual healing 5. (short cut) new york (short cut) 6. (short cut) desire 7. (short cut) bad / 40 8. where the streets have no name 9. setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways kite gone
U2 -Elevation Tour -22/06/2001 -East Rutherford -USA -Continental Arena #2

U2 -elevation tour -22/06/2001 -east rutherford -usa -continental arena #2

U2 - 2001-06-22 - east rutherford, new jersey, usa - continental airlines arena - wild honey elevation tour 1st leg setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire wild honey the
U2 -Elevation Tour -21/06/2001 -East Rutherford -USA -Continental Arena #1

U2 -elevation tour -21/06/2001 -east rutherford -usa -continental arena #1

U2 - 2001-06-21 - east rutherford, new jersey, usa - continental airlines arena - beautiful day elevation tour 1st leg u2 - 2001-06-21 - east rutherford, new jersey, usa - continental airlines arena - with or without you elevation tour 1st leg setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways kite gone new york i will follo
U2 -Elevation Tour -19/06/2001 -New-York -USA -Madison Square Garden #2

U2 -elevation tour -19/06/2001 -new-york -usa -madison square garden #2

Daniel lanois rejoint le groupe à la guitare et au choeur pour stuck in a moment . setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite new york out of control 11 o'clock tick tock sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while i remember you desire staring at the sun bad
U2 -Elevation Tour -17/06/2001 -New-York -USA -Madison Square Garden

U2 -elevation tour -17/06/2001 -new-york -usa -madison square garden

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways / sexual healing kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire / gloria stay (faraway, so close!) bad / wild horses / 40 where the streets have no name pride (in the name
U2 -Elevation Tour -15/06/2001 -Washington -USA -MCI Center #2

U2 -elevation tour -15/06/2001 -washington -usa -mci center #2

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite new york 11 o'clock tick tock sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up sweetest thing desire stay (faraway, so close!) all i want is you where the streets have no name mysterious ways the fly bullet the blue sky with or without you p
U2- Elevation Tour -14/06/2001 -Washington -USA -MCI Center #1

U2- elevation tour -14/06/2001 -washington -usa -mci center #1

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while desire / gloria the ground beneath her feet bad / wild horses / 40 where the streets have no name pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky
U2 -Elevation Tour -12/06/2001 -Philadelphie -USA -First Union Center #2

U2 -elevation tour -12/06/2001 -philadelphie -usa -first union center #2

U2 - 2001-06-12 - philadelphia, pennsylvania, usa - first union center - bullet the blue sky elevation tour 1st leg setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world new year's day kite new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday / get up, stand up stuck in a moment you can't get out of in a little while the ground beneath her feet desire
U2 -Elevation Tour -11/06/2001 -Philadelphie -USA -First Union Center #1

U2 -elevation tour -11/06/2001 -philadelphie -usa -first union center #1

Setlist elevation beautiful day until the end of the world mysterious ways in my life / stuck in a moment you can't get out of kite gone new york i will follow sunday bloody sunday in a little while desire / gloria stay (faraway, so close!) bad where the streets have no name pride (in the name of love) bullet the blue sky with or without you the fl