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Dévoreuse de livres, la tête dans les nuages et amoureuse de l'écriture en guise de passe-temps parfois prise de tête mais si enthousiasmant.
Tags associés : bibliotheque, la plume, news

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Illusions des Rêves

Illusions des Rêves

Lecture, écriture, réflexions... Un lieu de mots, de rêves et d'échanges pour que les illusions perdurent.
Lyanne Lyanne
Articles : 65
Depuis : 27/08/2010

Articles à découvrir

Forbidden, de Tabitha Suzuma

Forbidden, de tabitha suzuma

Forbidden, detabitha suzuma résumé : she is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. he is seventeen; gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. and now they have fallen in love. but . . . they are brother and sister. forbidden will take you on an extraordinary emotional journey. passionate and shocking, this is a book you wi
Linger, de Maggie Stiefvater

Linger, de maggie stiefvater

Linger, de maggie stiefvater résumé : grace and sam must fight to be together. for grace, this means defying her parents and keeping dangerous secrets. for sam, it means grappling with his werewolf past ... and figuring out a way to survive the future. but just when they manage to find happiness, grace realizes she's changing in ways she could ne
Date, couverture de Fusion/Forever de Maggie Stiefvater

Date, couverture de fusion/forever de maggie stiefvater

Précédemment je vous avais donné la date de parution anglaise du troisième tome des loups de mercy falls et aujourd'hui c'est au tour de la sortie française. c'est la collection blackmoon des éditions hachette jeunesse de dévoiler la date de parution chez nous : le 24 août 2011 vous pourrez vous ruer dans votre librairie à la recherche de
City of Fallen Angels, de Cassandra Clare

City of fallen angels, de cassandra clare

City of fallen angels, de cassandra clare résumé : city of fallen angels takes place two months after the events of city of glass. in it, a mysterious someone’s killing the shadowhunters who used to be in valentine’s circle and displaying their bodies around new york city in a manner designed to provoke hostility between downworlders and shad
The Summer I Turned Pretty, de Jenny Han

The summer i turned pretty, de jenny han

The summer i turned pretty, de jenny han, résumé : belly measures her life in summers. everything good, everything magical happens between the months of june and august. winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from susannah, and most importantly, away from jeremiah and conrad. th
Die For Me, de Amy Plum

Die for me, de amy plum

Die for me, de amy plum, résumé : “in the city of lights, two star-crossed lovers battle a fate that is destined to tear them apart again and again for eternity.” “when kate mercier’s parents die in a tragic car accident, she leaves her life—and memories—behind to live with her grandparents in paris. for kate, the only way to survive
Pouvoirs Obscurs T2 : L'Eveil, de Kelley Armstrong

Pouvoirs obscurs t2 : l'eveil, de kelley armstrong

Pouvoirs obscurs t2 : l'eveil, de kelley armstrong résumé : chloé est le fruit d'une expérience scientifique : non seulement elle voit des fantômes, mais elle réveille les morts, sans même le vouloir. ce n'est pas le genre de pouvoir qu'elle aurait rêvé d'avoir un jour... sa vie est menacée par ceux qui l'avaient choisie comme cobaye. acc
Unearthly, de Cynthia Han

Unearthly, de cynthia han

Unearthly, de cynthia han résumé : in the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees . . . . clara gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, some
Evernight, de Claudia Gray

Evernight, de claudia gray

Evernight, de claudia gray résumé : at the eerily gothic evernight academy, the other students are sleek, smart, and almost predatory. bianca knows she doesn't fit in. when she meets handsome, brooding lucas, he warns her to be careful - even when it comes to caring about him. but the connection between them can't be denied. bianca will risk anyt
Return to Paradise, de Simone Elkeles

Return to paradise, de simone elkeles

Return to paradise, de simone elkeles résumé : caleb becker left paradise eight months ago, taking with him the secret he promised to take to his grave. if the truth got out, it would ruin everything. maggie armstrong tried to be strong after caleb broke her heart and disappeared. somehow, she managed to move on. she was determined to make a new