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الأزياء العربية / Arabic fashion and lifestyle ❤

Hello beauties! You like to have fun, you like fashion, makeup, food, and all things girly ?! You wanna share some tips, and you like Arabic culture? Well this community is for you so join us ! Xoxo Dannya ❤

Gérée par Dannya

14 blogs

73 posts



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Hazal pelin aydın || türk modası ♡

Hazal pelin aydın || türk modası ♡

This girl is everything !! she's beautiful mash'allah. i love her, she is so styled, i love how she wore the hijab with fashion outfits. you can follow her on instagram : hazal pelin hayın ♡ i decided to do a special month for turkish fashion, hijab, culture and lifestyle because i love turkey so much it's a beautiful country. i wish all a happy
كيف تكبير الشفايف من دون عملية تجميل؟  💋

كيف تكبير الشفايف من دون عملية تجميل؟ 💋

مرحبا يا بنات ! شفاه أكبر هي الموضة حتى هذه اللحظة ... اعتقدت أنه سيكون من الجميل أن تجد بعض الطرق لحيم الشفاه الخاص بك دون أي عملية جراحية. لقد وجدت هذه أحمر الشفاه لطيف التي يمكنك محاولة، وأنها ه
Too Faced palette - Favorite of this month ❤

Too faced palette - favorite of this month ❤

The most famous palette of too faced are here!! the chocolate bar, the semi-sweet chocolate, the chocolate bonbon, and the sweet peach palette. they had a similar packaging, but they are completely different. the chocolate bar, had more light brown and nude colors she is perfect for beginners and for an everyday day makeup the semi-sweet chocolate,
 رمضان مبارك 2016

رمضان مبارك 2016

Ramadhan is finally here آلحمد لله may لله (swt) make this month easy for you and accept all your du'a ان شاء الله ramadhan mubarak to all the muslims around the world ❤
Merry christmas ❤

Merry christmas ❤

The view is amazing !! ❤ merry christmas everyone!! i hope you enjoy holidays and had great time with your family and friends. let me know what did you do and what you got for christmas below =) with love dannya ❤