Kicked out de michael reza pacha de pearl gold ag, a demandé de compenser pour les fradulents
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Mr pacha and all his yes men have been kicked out of their position in pearl gold ag last wednesday by more than 90% of the shareholders present at the general assembly in francfort. out of 18.3 millions shares registered, only 1.25 voted for him, among wich his own million shares ! during this general assembly, shareholders learned that an indepen
Michael reza pacha | les masques tombent , exclusif-mali : aliou boubacar diallo
Le sempiternel feuilleton pearl gold ag voulu et entretenu par le seul instinct du franco-iranien michael reza pacha arrive à son terme. une bataille perdue d'avance - face à l'entrepreneur malien aliou boubacar diallo, actionnaire majoritaire de wassoul’or sa, promoteur et toujours gros actionnaire de pearl gold ag. l’entêtement de michael
Syrian president bashar al-assad accused france of supporting bloodshed in his country, which was rebuffed on tuesday by french president emmanuel macron, who called them "unacceptable". yrian president bashar al-assad accused france of supporting bloodshed in his country, which was rebuffed on tuesday by french president emmanuel macron, who calle
Olivier couriol et plusieurs coactionnaires de pearl viennent de nommer leurs hommes à la tête de pearl gold, actionnaire de la mine d'or de kodiéran. a la manœuvre depuis plusieurs mois pour reprendre le contrôle de pearl gold (ami no402), un groupe d'actionnaires mené par le français olivier couriol a réussi à remanier son conseil d'admi
French | race row erupts as feminist forced off advisory body
A bitter row over the difficulties of debating racism in france has erupted after a high-profile feminist and anti-racism campaigner was forced off a government advisory body, prompting the resignation of the director and scores of members. journalist rokhaya diallo has repeatedly spoken out against what she callsinstitutional racism in france, not
Pierre agnes: boardriders boss goes missing at sea in france
French coastguards are searching for the head of a leading surfing equipment company after his boat was found washed ashore in south-western france. pierre agnès set sail on tuesday morning but did not return. the 54-year-old frenchman is chief executive of boardriders - a us-based company that until recently was known as quiksilver. rescuers are