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I'm a graphic design student in the Ecole des arts décoratifs in Strasbourg (France) and I'm doing an ERASMUS exchange in the Eesti Kunstakademiaa in Tallinn during the year 2011/12.
Tags associés : graphiks, kultur, voyage voyage

Ses blogs

En cours... axelle.

Etudiante en didactique visuelle à l'ESAD de Strasbourg, je suis cette année en échange ERASMUS à l'EKA de Tallinn en graphisme. Vous trouverez ici aussi bien l'avancée de mes travaux graphiques, mes recherches; mais également toutes mes découvertes culturelles estoniennes.
Axelle Axelle
Articles : 44
Depuis : 25/08/2011
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir



Here it is! the book i was thinking about since one year is done! to re-situate, from this subject given by my video teacher in strasbourg, we had to think about the conservation of the numeric art (web art, video art,…). as i wasn't very keen on video art, i made the link between video art (which is a trace of a life, an art in which movement, t
Médiation pas oppression

Médiation pas oppression

Mot clés: -émanciper le spectateur -démocratiser le monde du spectacle -médiation culturelle jacques rancière, le spectateur émancipé "ce que signifie le mot émancipation: le brouillage de la frontière entre ceux qui agissent et ceux qui regardent, entre individus et membres d'un corps collectif." "congédier les fantasmes du verbe fait ch
Sketch 2

Sketch 2

Few more stories, feelings, colors and observations… in september, people in nice are still sunning:


For few more time under the hot sun of the côte d'azur, where i spend my three months of summer. before to start the hard work of the 5th and the last year in the school of strasbourg, i'd like to have a journey among my sketch books.
An erasmus report

An erasmus report

Eesti experience my erasmus was rich, dynamic, adventurous, it was not everyday easy but at the end i have a great souvenir of it. i would like to share my experience with some other. that's why i made this book… or those 10 books (one by month) in which one you can have feeling, good plans, estonian culture and history, images, meetings… you m
Restaurant visual identity

Restaurant visual identity

If you went in tallinn, you probably know the coffee-restaurant must puudel, indeed it's one of the most hipster, warm and tasty restaurant, moreover it's right in the center and there is concert on the weekend! what's make this place special? its interior. yes, its interior is made with old, fancy, new wave, unexpected, comfortable furnitures. it'
Des petits livres importants

Des petits livres importants

(some tinny importants books) how happy i am to be back to strasbourg and having those great printing machines (in color!) and this huge paper cutter machine! it is time for me to make books! they were waiting now they born: first: in conversation with julian assange it was a book i made in tallinn during the first semester with mike heinsoo about
Culture populaire

Culture populaire

Qu'est-ce que la culture française? c'est difficile de répondre à cette question lorsqu'on est nous-même français. cependant en la mettant en parallèle avec une autre culture ou en s'intéressant au regard des étrangers sur elle, nous pouvons déjà en avoir un bref aperçu. "etre bête", expression française: "etre bête", expression angla
Independant soul

Independant soul

Mots clés: indépendance emancipation education autonomie liberté règles uniformisation nationalité un désir d'indépendance grandissant. l'actualité le montre, l'aspiration à l'indépendance de la part de certaines régions est de plus en plus importante. pour ne se limiter qu'à l'europe, l'ecosse et la catalogne pourrait devenir des pays
Will newspaper die? … NO !!!

Will newspaper die? … no !!!

Is the newspaper’s destiny death? according to surveys, the paper press is destned to disappear in twenty years. indeed after the tv, the web informations is more and more popular specially for the young generations. now, the question is, what will we loose with the newspaper extinction? can we trust this experimental survey? with the past events