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Tags associés : raw, resultat pay per view, smackdown!

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raw vs smackdown
TomateAmbitieux1572124 TomateAmbitieux1572124
Articles : 289
Depuis : 20/11/2008
Categorie : Sport

Articles à découvrir

RAW 124

Raw 124

Hooligans / hardys vs nexus un peu de discorde entre les hardys et les hooligans permettent à la nexus de s'imposer grâce au skull scrushing finally sur matt. gagnants : nexus '' this is what happen when you are against us. this sunday won't be different, the nexus will raise once again'' ted dibiase vs ricky steamboat dibiase évite le cross bod
Raw 121

Raw 121

Bishoff est sur le ring. '' this sunday, at noc, the wwe title will be defended in a fatal four way match. a smackdown superstar will be involve in that match and i want to make myself clear about this so jbl, edge, miz... there's no way that the wwe title move to smackdown. the consequences will be very bad for you. therefore tonight, all the 3 of
Smackdown 121

Smackdown 121

Mr.mcmahon se pointe sur le ring: just like i announce on raw, there will be a wwe championship match at noc and one smackdown member will be involve. this could be huge for smackdown, two world champion on one show ? wow. now, who is gonna be ? well guess what, i already make my choice. at, night of champions, bobby lashley already face kane in a
Smackdown 125

Smackdown 125

Cm punk fait son arrivé. '' at summerslam, i will defend my world championship against batista. some say batista got screwed when he lost his championhip months ago. personnaly, it doesnt matter, i would still be champion today. i would have gone to mania and beat batista instead and thats all. some say batista is too huge to handle for me, that s
RAW 122

Raw 122

Eric bishoff est sur le ring et réannonce que le champion wwe est toujours à raw, edge. pour le féliciter de sa victoire et le récompenser d'avoir gardé la ceinture à raw, edge aura une soirée de repos. pendant ce temps, il va découvir qui sera son adversaire pour summerslam. il va affronter le gagnant du match entre jbl, le miz et le gagna
Smackdown 123

Smackdown 123

Batista fait son entrée sur le ring. '' as all of you saw at noc, i finally get my revenge on dolph ziggler. i have to admit, the feeling was pretty good. in fact i feel pretty good right now. but something is missing, right here on my shoulder, my world heavyweight championship. i think its time for me to take back what's mine and..'' cm punk se

Smackdown 122

The colons vs los guerreros mvp et henry viennent attaquer les guerreros alors que barrett et gabriel s'en prennent au colons. kofi kingston vs curt hawkins kingston porte le tip pour la victoire. gagnant: kingston ryder vient attaquer kofi mais bourne vient équilibrer le débat et hawkins et ryder fuit. mvp/mark henry vs gallows/archer mvp porte
Résultat Nigh Of Champions 02

Résultat nigh of champions 02

Tag team turmoil nexus vs colons dans un long premier combat, barrett réussit le wasteland sur primo alors que gabriel et carlito sont en dehors. gagnant: nexus nexus vs luke gallows/vance archer gallows et archer profite de la fatigue de la nexus et passe près de porter le tombé mais la nexus a finalement le dessus. gabriel porte le 450 splash
RAW 123

Raw 123

La nexus arrive sur le ring. '' last week, we realized that everyone want to be against us, they are all scared about our powers. the same thing happen on smackdown. i spoke with my body dolph ziggler this week-end and he's also pissed off. so tonight, i'm here to set the things up, i'm here to challenge both raw and smackdown superstar, to a match
Smackdown 124

Smackdown 124

Christian fait son entrée. '' so at summerslam, it will be raw and smackdown vs the nexus. raw has already their members, well i'm now the first member of smackdown! i know there's a lot of guy..'' kennedy!!! kennedy: '' chrsitian, i dont like you. i really dont. but the nexus, they cost me the world championship and at summerslam, mr. kennedy wil