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Comunidad de blogs que comparten como eje común la actualidad, noticias, artículos de opinión, etc. relacionados con la Unión Europea.

Gérée par Miguel Atanet

2 blogs

159 posts



Articles récents de cette communauté

La Comisión estudia dar cobertura a las prestaciones por desempleo en los países UE

La comisión estudia dar cobertura a las prestaciones por desempleo en los países ue

La comisión europea ha salido al paso de las noticias aparecidas en diversos medios de comunicación sobre unas supuestas declaraciones en las que el presidente juncker pedía la creación de un seguro europeo de desempleo. mediante una nota de prensa la comisión ha querido clarificar su posición sobre este asunto y desmentir las noticias falsas
El Consejo Europeo refrenda el proyecto de Acuerdo de Salida del Reino Unido y la Declaración Política sobre la Relación Futura

El consejo europeo refrenda el proyecto de acuerdo de salida del reino unido y la declaración política sobre la relación futura

La protección de los derechos de los ciudadanos, la creación de un área de libre comercio ue-ru y el alineamiento de políticas y sistemas legales, ejes principales. consejo europeo art.50 extraordinario © unión europea 2018 los tres presidentes de la unión, tusk, juncker y tajani, han lamentado la marcha del reino unido de la unión europea
Brexit e integración europea: al pan, pan, y al vino, vino

Brexit e integración europea: al pan, pan, y al vino, vino

El reino unido ha sido un socio incómodo en la integración europea. en diferentes áreas relacionadas con el mercado único, lo social, libertad, seguridad y justicia, la eurozona y la política común de asuntos exteriores, seguridad y defensa, el reino unido ha sido más incómodo que la mayoría de los demás estados miembros aunque la incomod
La Comisión da por bueno lo acordado hoy por los negociadores Brexit

La comisión da por bueno lo acordado hoy por los negociadores brexit

Carta sobre el estado de las negociaciones brexit. créditos: © unión europea 2018. el presidente juncker acaba de enviar esta carta al presidente tusk recomendando al consejo europeo pasar a la siguiente fase del procedimiento art.50 para la salida ordenada del reino unido de la ue. los equipos de la comisión, en representación de la ue, y de
Independentistas respaldados por Rusia convocan pseudoelecciones en el este de Ucrania

Independentistas respaldados por rusia convocan pseudoelecciones en el este de ucrania

La unión europea ha reiterado su total apoyo a la independencia, soberanía e integridad territorial de ucrania pseudoelecciones en ucrania oriental. © european union 2018 (photo by iman begum). la unión europea ha reiterado su total apoyo a la independencia, soberanía e integridad territorial de ucrania dentro de sus fronteras internacionalmen
La Verdad Nunca Muere

La verdad nunca muere

Día internacional para poner fin a la impunidad de los crímenes contra periodistas: “la seguridad de los periodistas constituye un desafío para la democracia”. día internacional para poner fin a la impunidad de los crímenes contra periodistas. la rendición de cuentas y la cultura del respeto por la transparencia y el periodismo son elemen
Oleg Sentsov Premio Sajarov 2018

Oleg sentsov premio sajarov 2018

"sabemos lo que le hicisteis a sentsov" el director de cine ucraniano oleg sentsov ha sido galardonado este año con el premio sajarov a la libertad de pensamiento del parlamento europeo. sentsov fue condenado por rusia a 20 años de prisión por "tramar actos terroristas" contra el gobierno ruso "de facto" de crimea (ucrania), actos tales como el
Entran en servicio los 4 nuevos satélites Galileo

Entran en servicio los 4 nuevos satélites galileo

Galileo - eu space union desde el pasado 12 de octubre, nicole, zofia, alexandre e irina, los satélites de la constelación galileo lanzados en diciembre de 2017, están preparados para ser utilizados comercialmente por lo que el número de satélites galileo disponibles en la actualidad ha aumentado hasta 18. los 4 satélites fueron lanzados desd
La Unión Europea reconoce la singularidad de La Línea

La unión europea reconoce la singularidad de la línea

La ue se muestra más audaz que el gobierno de españa en lo relativo a la línea y gibraltar en tiempos de brexit. la línea - fragmento del texto de la resolución cdr publicada en el doue el diario oficial de la unión europea recoge una resolución del comité de las regiones (cdr) sobre las repercusiones para los entes locales (ciudades, comar
 Brexit: sólo habrá acuerdo de salida si hay acuerdo en todos los asuntos

 brexit: sólo habrá acuerdo de salida si hay acuerdo en todos los asuntos

Incluyendo la garantía de protección (backstop) para la frontera con irlanda del norte que formaría parte del territorio aduanero de la ue . el pasado viernes 20 de julio, michel barnier, jefe del equipo negociador de la comisión para el brexit, informó a los estados miembros de la ue27 sobre el estado de las negociaciones tanto en lo relativo
Signing ceremony of the Treaty of Prespa on Macedonia name issue

Signing ceremony of the treaty of prespa on macedonia name issue

Signing ceremony of the agreement on macedonia name issue at prespa lake © european union, 2018 / source: ec - audiovisual service today, 17th june 2018, the signing ceremony of the treaty of prespa, the historic agreement between greece and fyrom (the former yugoslav republic of macedonia) on the name issue, took place in psarades, a village at l
Art of Spain in the streets of Rome (it's about us, EUropeans)

Art of spain in the streets of rome (it's about us, europeans)

# pluseurope1 2017, june 3th - art of spain in the streets of rome (it's about us, europeans) / arte de españa en las calles de roma ( se trata de nosotros, europeos) / art de l'espagne dans les rues de rome (c'est à propos de nous, européens).
El Consejo de la UE rechaza la creación de la Agencia Europea de las Telecomunicaciones

El consejo de la ue rechaza la creación de la agencia europea de las telecomunicaciones

Los ministros de comunicaciones de los estados miembros de la ue se reunieron en la sesión del consejo del pasado 4 de diciembre de 2017 en bruselas para acordar su posición sobre un mandato actualizado para el organismo de reguladores europeos de comunicación electrónica orece (berec por sus siglas en inglés). en su posición, el consejo prop
Maite Pagazaurtundúa recibe la Corona de Esther

Maite pagazaurtundúa recibe la corona de esther

Maite pagazaurtundúa, miembro del parlamento europeo por upyd (alde), ha sido galardonada con el premio corona de esther por su compromiso con la defensa de la justicia, con la libertad y con las víctimas del terrorismo y de todo tipo de violencia. el acto de entrega tuvo lugar en la sede del centro sefarad israel en madrid durante la celebració
El resto de España sigue la estela de Barcelona y se moviliza a favor de la política de la Unión Europea y del Gobierno sobre inmigración

El resto de españa sigue la estela de barcelona y se moviliza a favor de la política de la unión europea y del gobierno sobre inmigración

El ministerio del interior está situando a españa en la esfera de la política exterior del kremlin (english below) barcelona. manifestación de solidaridad con los refugiados. crisis migratoria. este domingo, más de treinta ciudades españolas se movilizarán para mostrar su rechazo a la "europa fortaleza" y exigir "una acogida real y humana" p
US sanctions in place until Russia returns control over Crimea to Ukraine

Us sanctions in place until russia returns control over crimea to ukraine

Us ambassador nikki haley, un security council. credits: ukmc in the heat of speculations about possible changes in us foreign policy on russia and us president donald trump's relationship with russian president, vladimir putin, the keynote speech addressed by the us ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley, at the meeting of the un security c
The British government presents a bill to get the power to trigger Article 50

The british government presents a bill to get the power to trigger article 50

In an judgment, the british supreme court considered that a prior 'act of parliament' was required for the prime minister, theresa may, to give notice to the european union of the united kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the eu treaties. to satisfy the court's requirement, the 'european union (notification of withdrawal) bill' was presented by
Trump’s “New Nationalism” rhetoric in trade policy puts EU-US TTIP under threat

Trump’s “new nationalism” rhetoric in trade policy puts eu-us ttip under threat

Us elections 2016. trump tower in istanbul (turkey) as the us president-elect donald trump prepares to take the oath and move into the white house on a wave of anti-globalization and protectionist rhetoric paradoxically accompanied by a call to fight for free trade, trump has mentioned that he wants to impose a 35% tariff on chinese imports; instru
Malta takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU

Malta takes over the presidency of the council of the eu

Prime minister muscat calls for a united eu front to deal with brexit the college of commissioners has travelled to valletta to attend the official opening ceremony of the maltese presidency of the council of the european union, held by malta in the first semester of 2017. the ceremony was hosted by the president of malta, marie-louise coleiro pre
Cyprus Talks: pre-meeting under the auspices of UN

Cyprus talks: pre-meeting under the auspices of un

Un cyprus talks. pre-meeting in geneva. credits: un ahead of the official start of meetings in geneva tomorrow, the turkish cypriot leader, mustafa akıncı, and the greek cypriot leader, nicos anastasiades, are holding a pre-meeting this evening under the auspices of the special adviser of the un secretary-general on cyprus, espen barth eide. prep
President Juncker will lead the EU delegation at Geneva UN talks on Cyprus

President juncker will lead the eu delegation at geneva un talks on cyprus

Pafos / πάφος / bafo (cyprus) - european capital of culture 2017 the commission has confirmed that president juncker will travel to geneva to lead the eu delegation at the new round of talks about the cyprus reunification. he will attend the un hosted conference according to the latest european council's mandate and the fact that cyprus is an
Anastasiades and Akinci meet in Geneva to continue negotiations about Cyprus reunification

Anastasiades and akinci meet in geneva to continue negotiations about cyprus reunification

Un secretary-general ban ki-moon with the turkish cypriot leader, mustafa akinci and the greek cypriot leader nicos anastasiades during the cyprus talks. un photo / jean-marc ferré anastasiades and akinci will meet in geneva to continue negotiations about cyprus' reunification on 9 january, next week. on the 11th of january, they will present thei
US centre for countering propaganda and disinformation campaigns

Us centre for countering propaganda and disinformation campaigns

Russian propaganda last friday, president obama signed the 2017 us national defense authorization act (ndaa) providing nearly eur593 billion for war and military spending and restricting transfers from the guantánamo bay detention centre, guaranteeing that obama will leave office without fulfilling his pledge to close the prison. barack obama blam
New Art of Ukraine: Vitaliya Yemchenko

New art of ukraine: vitaliya yemchenko

'love is in the air.' collection. vitaliya art. the post-perestroika generation of ukrainian artists find ways of bringing the country's unique traditions, sensibility, and worldview to the high european cultural landscape. the legacy and the achievements of the historical avant-garde (1908-1930), its impact on the european mainstream, serve as a b
Sakharov Prize awarded to Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar

Sakharov prize awarded to nadia murad and lamiya aji bashar

Nadia murad and lamiya aji bashar. sakharov prize 2016. parliament’s 2016 sakharov prize has been awarded to nadia murad and lamiya aji bashar, two young iraqi yazidi women, daesh/isis survivors and activists. “more than 3,500 children and women are still held hostage as slaves under daesh. every day they die a thousand times,” aji bashar sai
Associate citizenship for Brits after Brexit not on Parliament's table

Associate citizenship for brits after brexit not on parliament's table

The european parliament has issued a note to refute the news published in the weekend press about the consideration by the european union of granting britons "associate citizenship status" to counter the effects of brexit on their eu citizenship, actually linked to uk's eu membership. mep charles goerens (alde) had tabled an amendment to a resoluti
Remarkable discrepancies in EU Member States in terms of gross hourly earnings

Remarkable discrepancies in eu member states in terms of gross hourly earnings

Eurostat, the statistical office of the european union, has issued the latest results of a four-yearly structure of earnings survey which figures out notable discrepancies in eu member states in terms of gross hourly earnings, not only between the employees earning the least and the most, but also in relation to the economic activity, with financia
€1 trillion paid in bribes and €2.6 trillion stolen through corruption every year

€1 trillion paid in bribes and €2.6 trillion stolen through corruption every year

United against corruption under the theme 'united against corruption for development, peace and security,' today we celebrate the international anti-corruption day 2016. a serious issue across the eu, no country, region or community is immune, corruption causes a wide array of financial and social problems affecting education, health, justice, demo
Free WiFi in public buildings and spaces #WiFi4EU

Free wifi in public buildings and spaces #wifi4eu

#wifi4eu the council of the european union has agreeded to promote free internet in local communities by means of wifi4eu, a digital scheme to help provide free wifi in city/town halls, public parks, libraries, health centres, museums and other buildings and spaces of public life. the free network will be easily recognisable to citizens under the w
EU smart power: the Commission proposes a European Defence Action Plan

Eu smart power: the commission proposes a european defence action plan

The plan includes the establishment of a european defence fund and other actions to support member states' more efficient spending in joint defence capabilities, strengthen european citizens' security and foster a competitive and innovative industrial base. european defence action plan. presentation. credits: ec the importance of a strong europe th
Geo-blocking: Council agrees to remove barriers to e-commerce

Geo-blocking: council agrees to remove barriers to e-commerce

Geo-blocking. andrus ansip, ec vice president for the digital single market the netmundial meeting, the world economic forum, the g7, and the oecd have all addressed questions of internet openness and fragmentation to varying degrees. a number of factors long have been moving us away from the original engineering vision of the internet, in which an
2.5 years of conflict, 2.5 million displaced. Filippo Grandi visits Ukraine

2.5 years of conflict, 2.5 million displaced. filippo grandi visits ukraine

Grandi, united nations high commissioner for refugees, urges safety nets for those really in need – the elderly, the disabled and poorest. filippo grandi in ukraine two and a half years of conflict have left more than two million ukrainians displaced from their homes in other parts of the country or refugees in russia. ukraine is divided into non
EUISS EUSatCen agreement

Euiss eusatcen agreement

Iss satcen agreement. credits euiss on 16 november 2016, the european union satellite centre, satcen, and the european union institute for security studies, euiss, signed an administrative arrangement to provide a basis for a structured relationship and mutually beneficial cooperation, taking into account the agencies’ relevant responsibilities a
Zuckerberg en Lima. Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

Zuckerberg en lima. foro de cooperación económica asia-pacífico.

Mark zuckerberg, facebook's founder. "la conectividad debe ser una de las prioridades de todos los líderes del mundo porque permitirá luchar contra la desigualdad social", afirmó este sábado el creador de facebook, mark zuckerberg, en conferencia magistral en el marco de la xxiv reunión de líderes del foro de cooperación económica asia pac
European Union to chair the Kimberley Process on conflict diamonds in 2018

European union to chair the kimberley process on conflict diamonds in 2018

Kimberley process on conflict diamonds. africa. the kimberley process, kp, the international initiative to stem the trade in conflict diamonds, has appointed the european union as its chair for 2018. as well, the eu will serve as vice-chair in 2017, during the australian chairmanship. according to the commission, in doing this, the european union w
II Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights: Media Pluralism and Democracy

Ii annual colloquium on fundamental rights: media pluralism and democracy

Considerable work to be done in ensuring the independence of national media. widespread experience of hate speech, abuse and threats in online spaces. freedom of speech #1 on 17-18 november 2016 the commission hosts the second annual colloquium on fundamental rights which will be held in brussels. the current edition focuses on media pluralism and
Banks under siege. The Commission sets up an internal FinTech Task Force

Banks under siege. the commission sets up an internal fintech task force

Fintech commission services are launching a task force on fintech, financial technology, that aims to assess and make the most of innovation in this area, while also developing strategies to address the potential challenges that fintech poses. the work of this task force, fttf, builds on the commission's goal to develop a comprehensive strategy on
I Anniversary of terrorist attacks in Paris

I anniversary of terrorist attacks in paris

I anniversary of terrorist attacks in paris #pluseurope1 #jesuisparis "on 13 november 2015, terrorists arbitrarily and barbarically hit at the heart of paris. the memory of the victims of that brutal night will remain forever etched in our hearts. they wanted to attack france. but on that tragic night, we europeans and citizens across the world wer
Olivier Bertrand arrêté à Gaziantep (Turquie)

Olivier bertrand arrêté à gaziantep (turquie)

Olivier bertrand le journaliste olivier bertrand a été arrêté hier à gaziantep (turquie) où il était en reportage avec un photographe turc, libéré depuis. selon le média en ligne les jours, pour lequel le journaliste travaillait, cette arrestation « s’inscrit dans le contexte de purges post-coup d’état de juillet 2016, relaté par o
The biggest achievements of the Ukrainian reforms

The biggest achievements of the ukrainian reforms

Ukrainian reforms reanimation package of reforms, the largest coalition of the leading non-governmental organizations and experts from all over ukraine united with the purpose of promoting and implementing reforms in the country, has released a report with a summary of the biggest achievements of the process of reforms started by ukraine to adapt i
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulates Donald Trump

Nato secretary general jens stoltenberg congratulates donald trump

"i congratulate donald trump on his election as the next president of the united states. and i look forward to working with president-elect trump... jens stoltenberg, nato secretary general; donal trump, us president-elect ... we face a challenging new security environment, including hybrid warfare, cyber attacks, the threat of terrorism. us leader
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change enters into force today

The paris agreement on climate change enters into force today

Remarks by ban ki-moon, united nations secretary general, on the entry into force today of the paris agreement on climate change unsg ban ki-moon remarks on the entry into force today of the paris agreement. credits: un 4 november 2016 paris agreement enters into force thanks to eu ratification. credits: eu the first-ever universal and legally bind
Canadian journalists tour EU institutions

Canadian journalists tour eu institutions

Young canadian journalists tour eu institutions. credits: eu three young canadian journalists had the opportunity to tour eu institutions in brussels. exceptionally this year, they also attended a plenary session at the european parliament in strasbourg, france. in brussels, the young journalists participated at the european commission’s midday p