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La bergerie buissonnière by Pierre Anglade
RamboutanBrillant949715 RamboutanBrillant949715
Articles : 23
Depuis : 25/04/2014
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

A plan for founding an association called : "friends of the bergerie". the basis of the plan is the absence of a defined, pre-determined and/or ideological and/or religious plan. the plan is based on the nothing and from this nothing to suggest a meeting of some, in little group of 3/7 people maximum each year between the months of may and october.
Krishnamurti, chronicles of a less ordinary life.

Krishnamurti, chronicles of a less ordinary life.

An introduction and invitation to meet the great and radical philosopher j. krishnamurti. he is seen here through the eyes of two of his close friends : radhika herzberger and samdhong rinpoche. krishnamurti was one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century and this film could perhaps awaken the curiosity of a new cotemporary audience. apart fr

Lifelab framework

Participants/ members : people who are deeply searching for a space beyond thought in context of krishnajis work. people who are “demanding” the impossible. it doesnt mean other masters work is excluded. but interest in krishnajis work is one or one among other filters that may be necessary or desirable. intent of lifelab: lifelab is meant to b
the lost tribe of Israël

The lost tribe of israël

(english version), 26 minutes, documentary showing of the situation so complex that karen poeple on the burmese border, in relation with the military junta. special mention of the jury international reportings and social phenomenons, fipa biarritz 1998

Les membres de l’association, "les amis de la bergerie".

Tous les amis qui ont jalonné l'existence de nomade errant du sieur anglade pierre. en particulier les femmes qu'il a aimées, qu'il aime encore et qui auraient dû pour la plupart, le rendre fou, s'il ne l'avait été déjà ! marie maurin marie montard martine corbin fabienne eckert josé frinjs catherine gendrot sylvaine favre amanda huang dans
La tribu perdue d'Israël

La tribu perdue d'israël

26 minutes, documentaire témoignant de la situation tant complexe que critique des tribus karen à la frontière birmane en, relation avec le régime de la junte militaire au pouvoir en birmanie. mention spéciale du jury grands reportages et faits de société, fipa biarritz 1998.
Krishnamurti, "you are the world"

Krishnamurti, "you are the world"

"the observer is the observed", the heart of the krishnamurti's message through and by the prof. samdhong rinpoche, buddhist monk, prime minister of the tibetan government in exile, friend of krishnamurti, articulated by some extracts of a film on k. shot "in situ" in the 70's.

Book : la stratégie du saumon

Il avait écrit le synopsis de « la stratégie du saumon » comme le reflet d'un face à face avec la mort, s'inspirant de sa propre histoire. il s'agissait, pour les besoins du film, de remonter le cours du gange de son embouchure jusqu'à sa source dans l'himalaya ... ...utiliser le fleuve à contre-courant comme métaphore de la possibilité de