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gsbilhanoi 2013-2014
ConscientiousKohrabi752992 ConscientiousKohrabi752992
Articles : 84
Depuis : 16/10/2013
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

Plants and flowers

Plants and flowers

Spring is a good time to explore alive creatures so 2 weeks in may were dedicated to learn about plants and flowers. we did the experiment with planting when we had 4 groups of plants (no sun, no water, no soil, no air). after children could observe the best conditions of a plant to grow. they also learnt how to take care of a plant. in art we lear


This week children have learnt about the air. where is the air? what colour is the air? how can we see the air? how can we make air move? what can the air move? etc. we did several experiences to show the children how we can see the air (air in a balloon, air in a plastic bag, air in a plastic bottle..). in art they made a toy windmill so they coul
A sailor went to sea sea sea

A sailor went to sea sea sea

This semester will be dedicated to science. each week we are going to learn about new things and do new experiments. this week is dedicated to water. kids are observing how ice cube can melt in the water and they are making their assumptions. we also have group discussions during the circle time : children are thinking about where can we see water
5 senses: taste

5 senses: taste

This week we are learning and revising the 5 senses topic. last year we dedicated a little bit more time, but this year we will have only 1 week to approach this subject. in english i chose to explore taste. as we were reading at the moment ''the very hungry caterpillar" story that helped us to make a connection between this story and taste. childr
Carnival photos and videos

Carnival photos and videos

Princesses, princes, knights, pirates... that was a day of excitement for children. walking around the school, visiting classes, singing songs and showing their fancy dresses - that's the idea of the carnival which means the celebration of coming spring. in the afternoon a tasty ice cream and plenty of cakes, pancakes and sweet treats were waiting
Chanson de l'Ogre.

Chanson de l'ogre.

Voici la chanson que nous avons apprise à propos des ogres. vous pouvez l’écouter grâce au lien suivant: l'ogre (de henri dès) tu n’auras pas mon p’tit frère je le garde tout à moi tu n’auras pas mon p’tit frère y’a rien à faire si l’ogre vient le chercher je lui donnerai une raclée
Atelier graphisme et écriture

Atelier graphisme et écriture

Les élèves maintenant ont une assez bonne maîtrise des gestes graphiques, ils peuvent reproduire et inventer des motifs de plus en plus complexes avec aisance. en parallèle aux activités de graphisme, ils poursuivent leur découverte de l'écriture. ainsi, après avoir maîtrise l'écriture en lettres capitales et effectué un travail d'observ
 Final year show

final year show

Hello everyone! the show is behind, all the preparations and rehearsals are finished. and now all what is left is good memories in pictures. here you can see some photos of the gsb' performance taken by our parents.. enjoy!
Au royaume des ogres

Au royaume des ogres

Et pour terminer notre cycle des contes traditionnels, nous avons travaillé sur le personnage de l'ogre et en particulier dans les contes "le petit poucet'' et ''le chat botté'' en français et en anglais. en plus de travailler sur la narration, les élèves ont pu s'exprimer pour comparer les personnages et trouver des similitudes et des différ