Uber shelter is an amazing concept for a portable housing unit that would help people in meeting their immediate shelter requirements created by disastrous events. this great concept is designed by
Clotilde Joly
Clotilde Joly
Ses blogs
Se réfugier
Sélection de documents sur le thème de l'habitat refuge, l'abri précaire, les camps, les bidonvilles et sur tous ceux qui peinent à se réfugier dans un abri décent
Clotilde Joly
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Associations & ONG
Articles à découvrir
Most disaster issues can affect people all over the world and depending on where you live, you probably have some inkling of how difficult it is to be forced from home--or to watch others experience
Different urban sites in new york city, boston and cambridge ma, and baltimore mdexhibited at moma (2005), massmoca (2004), and elsewhere custom built inflatable shelters designed for homeless ...
Room-room est un projet conçu et développé dans le cadre d'une invitation à réfléchir sur l'architecture d'urgence. le namoc ( national art museum of china ) présentera en mai 2009 à pékin...
Re-connecting sustainable development to architecture.
Paris expositions publié le lundi, 23 août 2010 00:00 francine kawamata a réalisé plus de 300 expositions personnelles à travers le monde et en france, et réalisé de nombreuses oeuvres monum...
Banksy will be taking down the materials used to build his "dismaland themepark" and donating them to refugee shelters in france where the materials are needed. a message recently posted on the ...
30 june 2014 cold, heat, water and noise will not be an issue for the guests that have rented a rockwool shelter at this year's roskilde festival. these shelters provide shelter for the vagary of ...
Refugee republic, an interactive online documentary mapping the lives of 58,000 people living in the domiz camp for syrian refugees in northern iraq, has been awarded best communication project and