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Tourisme, Lieux et Événements
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This week end i've done an amusing and surprising exhibition in my city cachan. it was called 'chemins d'art' (art paths). the concept was to take a map at the park raspail of cachan (the central point), discover small works of all the artists and decide which artists we wanted to visit in their workshop! the weather was perfect for that kind of 't
Petite semaine tranquille en autriche et slovaquie. visite en image: vienne promenade dans les petites rues de vienne. il y a pas mal de rues piétonnes avec des bars, des restos, des magasins chics. une des entrées du palais impérial de vienne (ou hofburg), où l'on peut visiter les appartements de la si célèbre impératrice sissi, ou le manè
This week end i've been to belgium to visit some very good friends. not so exotic you would say, but you would be amazed by the beauty this little country hides. our arrival began with a small walk at brussels by night, with crowded streets, opened chocolate shops and a nice illuminated 'grand place', with its town hall, gothic building from the mi