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CE2 BILINGUE 2011 /2012
ce2bilinguelif ce2bilinguelif
Articles : 80
Depuis : 24/09/2011
Categorie : Famille & Enfants

Articles à découvrir

GoodBye everyone!

Goodbye everyone!

Dear children, this is the last time i will update our ce2 blog. as you all know, i will not be your teacher next year. for those who are staying in jakarta, i wish you the very best with your new teacher michael. as for the other ones, i am sure you will find new friends in your respective countries. i hope you have an amazing cm1 year. caroline.

Thank you!

Thank you everyone for participating to our end of the year potluck! we all had a lot of fun and were stunned by the amount of food prepared by all of you! delphine and i would like to express a special thank you to all the parents of ce2 b for their beautiful presents. we absolutely love them! we hope the children had as much fun as we did. again
Bye Bye Juliette. B!

Bye bye juliette. b!

Dear juliette b., we are wishing you a good flight! we will miss you, have fun in switzerland. "i hope to see you again!" violette, sophie, emma "lots of hugs and kisses" bianca "i'm gonna miss you" galiléa, tiara "will you come visit us next year?" noah, léon, alex "i wish you were here." shoshana, alexia "i hope you will have plenty of new frie

Dear cm1 bilingue du lif...

Dear cm1 bilingue du lif, it's already the end of the year and i was thinking about you all and how much i miss you! i've been back in france for the past 5 months, in a city called strasbourg. i'm not teaching elementary level anymore but i might start teaching high school kids! can you imagine me teaching students that are 17 years old? they are
End of the YEAR POTLUCK!!

End of the year potluck!!

Hi children, you are all invited to our end of the year potluck! what is a potluck? a potluck is a communal meal to which everyone brings food to share. where will it be held? the potluck will be held in class. when will it be held? on thursday 14th of june what time will it be held at? the potluck will be held from 11h45 to 12h30. do i need to go
And the winner is...

And the winner is...

.............. emma pacheu-andries! the results of the kangourou math competition have come back and we are pleased to announce that our little emma has taken on the first place! i have put the picture of the "give-away gift ceremony" in an album. check them out!