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Preliminaries: octave is a just great free software, very good alternative to the expensive matlab. it does not handle multiprecision (to keep it simple, let's say that multiprecision is computation with very high precision). aribas is a gnu free tool for multiprecision. this page presents a simple tool for using aribas within octave. keywords: - f
Un bref survol de wikipedia sur ces bestioles, à l'occasion d'un séjour à taiwan, où chaque nourriture qui traine donne lieu à une invasion de mini-fourmis. 1) colonies & nids les fourmis ont des nids de 20m environ, constitués de nombreuses galeries souterraines et dans les recoins. une colonie de fourmis est un tas de nids de fourmis qui so
I. introduction le go, vieux jeu asiatique, résiste toujours aux machines.il fait partie de ces jeux où la méthodologie usuelle, à base d'algorithme alpha-beta et de fonction d'évaluation approchée, ne donne rien de bon. forte combinatoire, pas de fonction d'évaluation naturelle. depuis 2006, une méthodologie appelée mcts s'impose comme le
Vous voulez des jeux éducatifs bons et gratuits ? des solutions existent; je les rassemble ici en tâchant d'avoir le lien direct vers la page utile: vous utilisez windows, vous voulez un logiciel éducatif bien fait à télécharger pour jeunes enfants (<10 ans), gratuit, allez là: http://childsplay.sourceforge.net/install-windows.php pour en av
Reader-friendly introductions to ai topics for dummies like me :-)
Reader-friendly introductions to ai topics, for dummies (like me :-) ) olivier.teytaud@gmail.com a lot of “reader’s digest” versions of tutorial or famous articles :-) (usually no original research, just an overview of existing works; i’ll try to satisfy all requests for clarifying something, because if it’s unclear, it means that it is n
Zenity is just a great program for doing quickly a graphical user interface on linux. i am sure you can understand the following program, which asks if you want to increase or decrease, and runs "./increase" or "./decrease" accordingly: =========================================== #!/bin/bash while [ true ] do #uses zenity to ask first. zenity --que
Hi; you want to evaluate quickly your level in go and you have a machine under linux ? here a tool for doing this: 1) download http://www.lri.fr/~teytaud/yourlevel.tgz ; for example with your favorite tool; if you like lynx, you might: lynx -dump -source http://www.lri.fr/~teytaud/yourlevel.tgz > ./yourlevel.tgz 2) unzip it: tar -zxvf ./yourlevel.t
A small selected sample of politeness rules viewed in a taiwanese school
I am french and spend one year in tainan, a city in the south of taiwan. i had been told, prior to coming, that tainan was particularly friendly, even compared to taiwan which is a particularly friendly country. i have spent 7 months here, and there are things that i find just great here - in particular, i've collected a short list of the 4 most su
Mcts algorithm input: a state s output: a decision d global variable: a tree t, each node having nbsims initiliazed at a single node with state s and nbsims=0 and totalreward=0 while (i have time) { do one simulation from state s until a game is over ==> we get a sequence s(0), s(1), s(2), s(3),..., s(k) (with s(0)=s and s(k) a final state) ==> we
What is rengo ? rengo consists in having two players playing go as a team, without communicating - each player plays in turn. what is this page about ? you have two programs which play go in gtp and you want to use them as a rengo pair - this page is for you. where can i download this script ? http://www.lri.fr/~teytaud/rengo1.1.tgz how to use it ?