When he became the 16th president of the united states in march 1861, abraham lincoln declared that he wanted to abolish slavery. his ideas were not popular in the southern states where there were lots of black slaves working in the plantations. moreover, southerners were scared that these 200 000 free slaves would take control of the country. so t
professeur d'Anglais au collège les Aigrettes de St Gilles-les-Bains (île de la Réunion)
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articles écrits par des collégiens sur leur collège et la culture anglo-saxonne
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Cette fillette est rendue célèbre dans le monde entier lors de la mediatisation de la photo de nick ut lors de l'attaque américaine au napalm. elle avait 9 ans au moment des faits et venait tout juste de se débarasser de ses vêtements en feu. son visage empreint de douleur et de terreur a ému une grande partie de la population. avec l'aide du
Le photographe huynh cong plus connu sous le noms de nick ut a remporté le prix pullitzer pour cette photo intitulée the terror of war: the children on route 1 near trang bang. la photo fut prise au vietnam en juin 1972 alors qu'un groupe d'enfants fuyaient leur village attaqué au napalm par l'armée américaine. après avoir pris la photo, le j
Slavery started in the 17th century with the arrival of black slaves from western africa. they were brought to america by force to work on the tobacco, cotton and sugar cane plantations in the southern states. slaves did not have many rights: they had to work from sunrise to sunset and had to sleep in small huts on the plantations. they had to wear
On december 1955 in the city of montgomery, alabama, a black woman called rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus. she was actually sitting in the "colored" section of the bus but because there were no more free seats in the "white" section, the bus driver had asked rosa to move. the police came and she was arrested and put i
Histoire des arts année 2011-2012 pour l'anglais le street art exemple d’analyse d’une oeuvre de banksy intitulé « napalm » par mme bourjea banksy est sans aucun doute l’artiste de rue le plus célèbre et le plus cynique de grande bretagne. ses oeuvres, souvent réalisées au pochoir, traitent toujours de sujets engagés sur la politique
Earth day is celebrated every april 22. but this year is special because we are celebrating its 40th anniversary. indeed, earth day was created in 1970 in the united states as the start of the ecological movement. on earth day, people from all nations, backgrounds, colors or religions celebrate their similarity: living on planet earth. on that very
After the civil war and the abolishment of slavery, 4 000 000 000 former slaves were free. but the southern states disagreed with that idea. in 1866, the jim crow laws legalized racial segregation in the south: black and white people were separate in all public facilities such as parks, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, waiting rooms, drinking founta
La guerre du vietnam (1959-1975) est le conflit entre le nord vietnam (la chine et le bloc de l'est) et le sud vietnam (les etats-unis, l'australie, la corée du sud, la thailande et les philipines). dans une logique de guerre froide anti-communiste, les etats-unis s'engagent dans la guerre sur le territoire vietnamien afin d'éviter l'effet domino
February is the black history month in the usa. people pay a tribute to people and events that have shaped the history of african americans. in the collège les aigrettes, the 3èmes are working on this theme at the moment . our work is untitled "from slavery to the white house". if you're interested, don't miss the summary of the lessons on the bl