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Elèves du lycée Touchard

Elèves du lycée Touchard

Ses blogs


Bienvenue sur le blog consacré a l'échange franco-américain organisé par le lycée Gabriel Touchard du Mans Du 13 au 29 Février, nous traverserons l'atlantique afin de découvrir Wade Hampton High School , à Greenville en Caroline du Sud. Il vous sera possible de vivre en temps réel notre périple, grace à de nombreux articles mis a jour quotidiennement.
Elèves du lycée Touchard Elèves du lycée Touchard
Articles : 70
Depuis : 04/12/2007
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Ice Hockey game

Ice hockey game

On our last evening in atlanta, we went to watch an ice-hockey game! it was great! just have a look! and here is a video!

Not finished

Our students are preparing some nice powerpoint presentations for you to know more about the usa! so come to visit this blog regularly to see their work! and more videos to come very soon too!!!


Many thanks to mrs casey for organising this exchange, to mr radford, for welcoming us so warmly in his high school, to all the families who hosted our students so generously, and to all the people who helped us so nicely during this trip! thank you
On our way back....

On our way back....

We did many things during this trip and we hope that the students enjoyed! here are the last photos, taken on our way back to school...
MLK Center

Mlk center

On wednesday, we went to martin luther king center and even visited the house where he was born! his house from the rear a visit full of meaning...


We arrived in atlanta on tuesday 26th! here are the first photos we took! the ibm building the ibm building by night! on our last day, the 3 teachers got lucky enough to be able to go up the highest building of atlanta! admire the view!! downtown atlanta cnn center the aquarium same building as in 1st picture, but from the top!

Portes ouvertes

Liste de présence des élèves aux portes ouvertes du lycée ils vous présenteront leur travaux et vous raconteront leur voyage! venez nombreux! vendredi de 17h à 20 h samedi de 9h à 12h 1 jean hugues suisse yann sarrat 2 maxence lefevre vuth hak 3 florian pierucci damien gasnier 4 thibaut thureau heloise auger 5 alexis martin alexis vassail 6
Coca Cola Museum

Coca cola museum

Tout d'abord nous voudrions remercier maxime et jonathan qui ont préparer nos itinéraires et activités à atlanta! you did a great job! many thanks from your teachers!!!! on our first day, we went to coca cola museum! here are a few pics!
Powerpoint Cocal Cola + Andy Warhol

Powerpoint cocal cola + andy warhol

Here is the powerpoint made by guillaume and cedric on coca cola and andy warhol. it's really good! just click on the image to have a look at it!